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Today was finally the day. Today was the day where you get to open it.

You rushed toward your closet, not even bothering to check the time. Finding the package you had kept hidden for months, you basically ripped it to shreds. Inside was a NerveGear.

"But, isn't this from that anime Sword Art Online?" You muttered.

You looked inside the box again, searching to see if there was another item. And there was. Your hand scraped the bottom of the torn-up box to find a note.

I'm guessing today is Saturday, April 18th since the only way you could've gotten this note is by opening the package when I told you to in the pervious note. Unless you ripped it up early. And if that's the case, I hope you burn and wither in hell, you impatient walnut.

You chuckled at your bizarre friend's words. She was a strange one. But then you noticed there was more written on the back.

If you watch anime, you've probably guessed that this is from Sword Art Online. And you're right! Although I did tweak it a bit, so you don't have to worry about me trapping you in a virtual world. There's an emergency log off button. And I also put a game slot in the back so you don't have to connect the nerve gear to a computer.

You also should have noticed the game cartridge I attached to this note.

And you did. You gently peeled it off the tape it was attached to. It read: My Life Awakening! PARTY EDITION, with a background that looked exactly like the cover of her book. Hmm, you thought. EnragedFangirl really outdid herself this year!

You decided to immediately turn on the NerveGear and slip the cartridge in. You place it on your head, and your vision turns black.

When your vision returns, instead of seeing your closet, you see a bunch of people doing double battles, like that one feature Fire Emblem Awakening!

"Woah..." You breathe out, simply amazed by all of this. Then you see a dark-haired girl race toward you. Her shirt reads 'EnragedFangirl'. You both fist-bump.

"Isn't this awesome?! I have no idea why I didn't come up with this idea earlier. We can do whatever here. Customize your avatar, fight risen, fight against other people, train, and even try and get support conversations with other units! It's all up to you!"


I literally would've had this up much earlier but I've been lazy and I totally rushed to get this done so sorry for the poor writing quality TToTT


Also if you don't like Fire Emblem Awakening (or have never played it) you can still participate and ask me questions on stuff you don't know bUT YUS 100 CHAPTERS

*chants* RP RP RP

My Life: Awakening!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon