Getting to know Tom (FLASHBACK)

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        Its the next day, you wake up and get dressed, you walk out of you're room ready for school, (Actually you're never ready for school).

        "Good morning hon" You're mom says greeting you, "morning" you answer, she was putting her shoes on, you get your backpack (and you're mask if you want) and you put you're shoes on, also grabbing small snack, you get in you're moms car as you drove you to school. 

        You've arrived at the school and you do you're normal, boring high school stuff.


"Finally, break time" you whisper to yourself, "HEY Y/N!" Matt screamed, "AAH-" "Oh! sorry!" Matt apologized with an embarrassed look on his face, "I-its okay" you said, "So Y/n, because its break time, do you want to go to the library with me to work on the history project?" Matt asked, i mean, its not like you don't have a choice, "Y-yeah...sure" you answer, you both walk to the library and sat down and did you're lame history project together.

        After 10 or so Tom came in the library holding a book in his left hand, Matt suddenly waves to Tom to come and sit with us, Tom sighs and came to sit at our table.

        "Hey, you're (Y/n) right?" Tom asked, you couldn't help but stare at or... inside his eyes? "Y-yeah..." you answered, still staring at his eyes, you guys talk for a bit and went back to doing you're boring project, "Are you partners with Matt?" Tom asked, "Y-yeah, why?" "That's really sad." "Sad?" i wonder why.

         "So, uhm why do you and Tord fight?" you asked hoping me wouldn't get mad, "Uh, its a long story" seems like it.

        You guys were talking about random stuff and you're.... i dunno "stuff."

You both stopped talking and did you're things.

(HIYA, i don't really like how this turned out but the next chapter i'm making is not a flaskback anymore, YAYY the next chapter will be about you're present life, 'aka in college' K BYEEE)


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