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"Did we interrupt you?" Seungmin asked and snickered obnoxiously when he saw Minho's gaze darken, but he ignored the latter.

His attention was more drawn to Jisung; his disheveled state, flushed cheeks, and the red mark on his neck.

"You guys did, and I should fry you all for that!" Minho threatened and sent a beam of light towards Seungmin who evaded by teleporting a little bit to the left.

"Ruining your fun is the best thing ever!" He admitted shamelessly, making Minho groan in anger. "You're still wearing clothes though, so it couldn't have been that much fun..."

Jisung's face almost resembled a strawberry. He wanted to melt in the ground when all the demons in the room stared at him without even trying to hide their amusement.

"Well, that's only because you bastards arrived at the second I wanted to get rid of his clothes," Minho grumbled.

"E-Excuse me?" Jisung squeaked. "Can you not just... say it so blatantly?" 

"Huh? Why not?" He asked and arched an eyebrow. "It's the truth," he said, and Jisung hit his arm in frustration. Where was Minho's sense of shame? Where were his manners?

"Next time you have to be faster," Chan cut in, smirking knowingly. "But don't think that I'll let this slide. You guys literally tried making love in my bedroom! Out of all the places, for fuck's sake," he scolded.

"Well, you wouldn't want us to do it in your garden, would you?"

"Minho!" Jisung chimed in before the demon could say anything else.

He raised his head and met Minho's eyes, seeing them sparkle in amusement. Even after all the teasing and taunting, he was having fun with the situation—Jisung couldn't believe it.

He couldn't stay angry at him for long, though. He was too relieved to see Minho awake, safe, and smiling. The corners of his lips slowly quirked up into a smile.

"What now?" Minho asked and raised his eyebrows when Jisung clutched his arm, linking their fingers together.

"Nothing," he replied. "I'm just glad to be with you."

With the other demons gathered in Chan's bedroom, the house was quite crowded and lively.

 They had been talking about what had happened between Jisung and Minho, before Felix suddenly remembered something that he had yet to tell them.

"Minho," Felix said, gaining his attention. All the playfulness in his voice was gone, a scowl appearing on his face instead of his usual haughty smirk. "There's something you should know."

"What is it?" He asked hesitantly. He knew that whatever it was about, it wasn't anything good—considering how serious Felix had become.

"When I found Jisung in his house, he was unconscious," he started. "And he was not alone. Someone else was lurking nearby, I sensed it." 

"The person was smart enough to hide their presence, but they couldn't fool me."

Cold dread pooled in Minho's stomach when he realized how quickly this could have gone out of hand.

If Felix had not been there at the right time, Jisung would've been an easy prey to whoever was out there. The thought of this unsettled and infuriated him.

He curled his hands into fists, inwardly cursing himself for not being there to protect Jisung.

"Shit," Jisung cursed angrily. "I didn't notice."

"Of course you didn't, you were half dead," Seungmin hissed, but received a warning glare from Felix. "Seungmin," he snapped. "Shut up. You weren't even there when it happened."

"The thing is," Felix continued seriously. "I'm sure it was a creature more sinister than a demon. Their aura was... very peculiar."

"W-what could be more sinister than a demon?" Jisung asked under his breath, fear creeping into his heart. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to know the answer to that.

The attention of everyone in the room rested on Felix as he exhaled and crossed his arms. "A blood mage," he said grimly.

"Are you sure about this, Felix? Maybe you were just imagining things," Jeongin cut in. He had a worried crease in his brow and he leaned against the wall not far from Felix.

"I wasn't imagining it, Jeongin. Someone was there and they didn't have good intentions for sure," he persisted.

"If it really was a blood mage, I would assume that it was able to sense the strong flow of your magic and it wanted to kill you for its own gain," Seungmin said coolly, curling his lips in distaste. "It must have smelled an easy prey."

"Yes, and if I hadn't been there, you would've been dead now," Felix snapped at Jisung. "So that's why I wanted to warn you. Keep your eyes open for possible threats from now on."

To be continued...


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