The Myth and Trial Book Chapter 1

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Celest: .... what...?

Dash: You heard me, give the book, Celest! That book is dangerous!

Celest: How are you so sure?!

Dash:... I... I have a feeling! You don't know if it's safe or not!

Celest: This book can help us save the world, Dash! It can tell us what to do when the death dates come! It's not dangerous!

Dash: Urgh! That's the problem with you! You always think there's good in this world! Wake up, Celest! The world is just a cruel place. It will eventually end someday and you and I know it!

Celest: *went silent*

Dash:... Now, give the book Celest *tries to reach out to Celest's hand*

Celest:... NO! *runs out of the abandoned train*

Dash: Celest! Get back here!

Celest ran out of there and ran to the city. Dash was running slow behind, then Celest lose him. Then she decided to go to the library. She had an idea to put the book on a shelf hopefully someone will find it and help her save people from their death dates.

Celest: *tries to catch her breath then puts the book on the shelf *Hopefully, someone will find this *hears someone coming* Oh no! It might be Dash... * hides*

Cyberwing: *walks in with Flames*

Flames: So, what book are you looking for?

Cyberwing: I am not really sure, I was thinking of a myth book maybe?

Flames: *looks around then sees a myth section* Well, there's a myth section over there *Points it out*

Cyberwing: Oh~ Perfect! *goes to the section then tries to find a book* It's been a while since I have read myth stories *Finds the Myth and Trials book* Hmm... This seems interesting

Flames: *goes to her then looks at the book* The... Myth Trials?

Cyberwing: This sounds perfect! *hugs it* I can't wait to read it *takes it to the circulation desk*

At the circulation desk

Cyberwing: I would like to borrow this book, please.

Loaner: *checks the book's cover* Umm, I am sorry young lady but we don't own this book. I don't remember putting this in the myth section either.

Cyberwing: ... then if it's not yours, who's is it?

Loaner: Well you can have it, it doesn't have its owner's name anyway.

Cyberwing:  Oh... ok, thank you... *goes to Flames*

With Flames

Flames: *sees her approaching* So, got the book?

Cyberwing: Yeah but, they said they don't own this book either putting this in the myth section.

Flames: Well, did it says who owns it?

Cyberwing: It didn't have its owner's name on it so they said I can have it...

Flames:... *looks down on the book* Well that book is kinda big. I don't think you can finish reading it in a week.

Cyberwing:... I guess...

With Celest

Celest: *breathes out then watches them exit the library* ... *smiles* I hope you and your friends will help you save us all

After that, Celest left the library and tries to find a safe place to hide from Dash. Some while later, it was nighttime. And Cyberwing was about to read the book

Cyberwing: *sits down and reads the book* Hmmm... * then reads content about the Death dates*... Death dates are a time when a person has a trial until their death dates come. They have to solve their problem/curse related to a trial to survive their death. If they succeed, they will leave. If they fail before/after their trial date, they will... die... *changes to another content*... * finds content about the Trial stones* The trail stones, are a mystic place of strange powers. There 4 stones. The stone of healing, the stone of sound, the stone of dream, and the stone of chaos. The stone of Healing heals or resurrects one's body. The stone of Sound can allow hearing one's mind or voice. The stone of Dream can allow you to see a vision of a calling. And the stone of Chaos can cause a curse or death for one's mistake, but they can still try to survive until their death dates come... hmmm... *looks at a picture of the Trial stones* Why does this place look so familiar...? Maybe I am just hallucinating *puts the book at the side of the table then went to bed* 

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