Dollhouse Chapter 6

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(Steeljaw and Thunderhoof in a antique shop)

Thunderhoof: ... Why am I here again?

Steeljaw: Your here to help me find a doll for Zoe

Thunderhoof: Don't you think she's a little bit to old for dolls?

Steeljaw: Aww come on, Thunderhoof. No one is to old for dolls, besides, it's for her birthday

Thunderhoof: *sighs* fineeeee... *sees a doll*

Thunderhoof saw a doll that was looking weird, it looked like it was looking right at him

Thunderhoof: *blackout at the doll*

Steeljaw: Found it

Thunderhoof: *snaps out of it* Huh?

Steeljaw: What do you think about this doll?

Thunderhoof: Ummm... I guess it looks... fine-? *sighs* Out of all things why did you choose dolls?

Steeljaw: Because it's one of the things that girls like. Besides, there's even clothes for them here, she can just customize this doll into her style

Thunderhoof: *rolls eyes*

Steeljaw: Why do you seem that bothered? Are you scared of dolls?

Thunderhoof: W-what? Ofcourse not *looks away of embarrassment*

Steeljaw: *rolls eyes with a smirk then goes to the shop owner* How much is this ma'am?

Owner: *looks*... Oh her? You can just take it

Steeljaw: What? Are you sure?

Owner: Yes, I mean it

Steeljaw: But, don't you need the money

Owner: I can make a exception for now. Besides, I heard it's for a birthday girl. Your girlfriend?

Steeljaw: W-what? Oh no no, just a friend of mine. Also I am gay *nervously laughs*

Owner: Ahh- I see. Sorry for the confusion

Steeljaw: It's ok

Owner: You can have her and give her to your friend. All I ask is just tell her to take care of her.

Thunderhoof: *sees a family portrait* Excuse me, is that your family?

Owner: Ah yes, they are. But sadly, they died because of a incident

Steeljaw: Oh, I am sorry to hear that

Owner: It's ok, at least they can live in peace up there.

Thunderhoof: *notice the same people from the portrait as dolls* !!!... Is... that your family as dolls?

Owner: *looks* Oh yes, I made them. I sometimes miss their presence. So I made doll versions of them, to make me feel... their still here with me...

Steeljaw: That's sweet ma'am. I hope you have a happy life ahead

Owner: You too boys

Steeljaw: Thx again ma'am. Let's go, Thunderhoof *leaves*

Thunderhoof: *follows*

When Thunderhoof was about to exit the shop, the doll he saw before seemed to move his head just to keep staring at him. And it was creeping him out, so he went out quickly

(They arrived at the party) [At sunset]

Steeljaw: *sees Zoe* Zoe! *goes to her*

Zoe: Steeljaw! Thunderhoof you made it!

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