Test of Fears Chapter 7

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With Grim and Swoop, they we're running to Bee and the others

when they arrived

Grim: *catches his breathe* Bee!

Others: *turns to both of them*

Grim: Swoop just got a calling!

Bee: Really?

Swoop: Yes, Bee. I don't know what it means or what you guys are doing. But I am willing to help with anyway I can

Bee: Thanks, Swoop. Maybe you can help us by telling us what you saw

Swoop: Oh ok, well. I saw some of you guys in a black room with 6 doors infront of you

Bee: 6 doors for each? So, who we're they?

Swoop: Umm I think it was, Grim, you, Sideswipe, Strongarm and Cyber

Strongarm: And who's the last one?

Swoop: I... I don't know, I can't remember what they looked like, but I am pretty sure it's one of you

Arcee: Then I guess we just have to find out the last one for the door

Bee: Swoop, do the doors look the same?

Swoop: Uh- no, they we're different doors. They have their own pattern or something.

Bee: Hmm... anything else?

Swoop: Nope, that's all

Bee: Hmm...

Flames: Do you guys think one of you is gonna die?

Bee: I don't know... but we need to find the last person for the 6th door, we don't know if they're the target or not.

Thunderhoof: Then, how will we find out who it is?

Bee: I don't know, but right now let's just be ready. We don't know what will happen.

While with Steeljaw and Thunderhoof at the park

Thunderhoof: Hmm, I wonder who is the last one. Will it be one of us, or Flames or Arcee?

Steeljaw: *silent*

Thunderhoof: *looks at him* Steel?

Steeljaw: Huh? Yeah?

Thunderhoof: The calling, we're you even listening?

Steeljaw: S-sorry, I just zoned out

Thunderhoof: Why?

Steeljaw:... N-nothing, anyway I gotta go home now. I promised Mom I will help her with her garden

Thunderhoof: Oh ok then, see ya later *leaves Steel*

Steeljaw: See ya... *heads home*

While with Cyber

Cyber: *reads the Myth Trials book* 

Flames: Hey Cyber, I got us some drinks

Cyber: oh, thx Flames

Flames: So, how's the calling research

Cyber: I am still searching, I can't find anything yet with Swoop's calling

Flames: Don't worry, we'll find it sooner or later

Cyber: I guess... *finds this one page of the book* Hey, Flames. Check this out

Flames: *looks* What is it?

Cyber: It looks like a door. I think it's connected with Swoop's calling

Flames: What does it say then?

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