✩Mr. "Nice Guy"?✩(Chpt. 3)

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Note: It was 1:50 am when I wrote this so I apologize for any mistakes, I tried to proof read it a couple times but my eyes were all wonky XD ANYWAYS this chapter does contain little fluff, I guess?  Oh! And last thing, the last Chapter said "Last one for today" but I meant to post that *yesterday* (3/14)! So you will get both Chapter 3 AND 4 today! Love you all! ~ Lee <3


   You follow Sun down the slide and he stops near the light switch. "y/n there's something you need to understand" You feel a little concerned but nod at Sun reassuringly "Go ahead" He looks almost disappointed in himself but sighs and continues "I am not just 'Sun', for I have another, dark, side. And you have to know that he may not be as...welcoming as me" You're still confused and Sun could see that "That moon character you seen? That's my other half, Moon" You finally understand and make a low 'Ohh' sound "I get it Sunny! Wow, that seems kind of cool! So, how do I see this 'Moon'" You notice Sun's hand motion towards the switch "When the lights go out, so do I, and Moon will appear to you" You nod your head "Ahh, okay! Well, can I meet him now?" Sun sighs and nods his head "Yes, but please be careful y/n, don't get hurt" You go to question what Sun means but he flicks the switch and let's out an eerie scream, the once welcoming yellow figure is gone, and you are greeted with a much darker and scarier one. You cover your face in fear *Sun please come back!*

   You feel cold hands on yours and see red glowing eyes, followed by a raspy voice "Are you y/n?" You are taken back but slowly nod your head "Y-your M-moon, right?" The figure steps back and scoffs "No duh, do I look like Sun to you?" You relax your shoulders and cross your arms "I was just making sure, you don't look very...nice" You go to turn around but you're surprised by the feeling of hands wrapping around your waist "H-huh? Moon?" You get pulled into hug and to your surprise, it's warm. There's silence and then you feel your feet return to the ground "Alright, Sun said you wanted to adventure didn't he?" You turn around, still shocked from the hug "Wait, why the hug-" You're cut off by Moon's voice "Shush, name the place and I'll take you" You cross your arms "Are you mean or nice? Gosh make up your mind already!" You shook your head and gave Moon a list "These are all the places I've heard about, care to help?" Moon took the list and reviewed it "Mmm, I can help with most of these, sure"

   After a couple hours of adventuring you feel yourself wanting to sleep. "Hey Moon, I think I need to go home *yawn* I'm really...tired" You almost fall to the ground from exhaustion but Moon catches you quickly "y/n! Watch your step!" You giggle as his voice softens "You aren't all that mean are you Moon?" His face turns a shade of pink and he lets go of your arm "I am mean! I am scary! I am- Shut up Sun" You quickly look up at Moon and tilt your head "You can hear Sun?" Moon shakes his head "We share a body y/n, what do you expect?" You wave at Moon and giggle "Hi Sunny! It's me! y/n! Your best friendddd" You see a flash of jealousy on Moons face that quickly fades away "Y/n maybe you shouldn't drive, it's pretty late" You yawn again and wave your hand "Oh shush, I'm perfectly fine!" Struggling to walk you feel again the warmth of two hands being wrapped around your torso "C'mon, Sun's insisting anyways..."

   Moon takes you to the nap room and lays you down softly making sure you don't hit your head. Your eyes struggle to stay open but before Moon leaves he gives you a small hug around the waist "Sleep well Starlight" You were too tired to give a full reaction but you felt your face burn "Goodnight Moon, Goodnight Sunny" and you drift off to sleep, pretty sure you were smiling :)


Okay! So! It was a bit short, don't hate me ;-; But I had to make sure you met both Sun and Moon. These next few Chapters are hopefully going to have more fluff, but I didn't want to over-do it considering you just met Moon. Anyways! I'm going to work on Chapter 4, take care! ~ Lee <3

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