✧Comfort✧ (Chpt. 4)

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*Note*: Okay! Well I'm kind of in a depressing mood, so these next few chapters will contain a lot of care and fluff! I'm not in any mood to introduce lemon, but most likely will in Part II, which reminds me! Right now you are reading Part I of the "book" I'm thinking of either adding a plot in Part II, or just have Part II be complete requests of scenes! ALSO!! I'm going to edit the indicators I mentioned in Chpt. 1! Underlined and italicized is Sun speaking <3

Anyways, on to your day! Enjoy! ~ Lee <3



     You wake up to the feeling of buzzing in your pocket *BZZZT BZZZT* You pull out your phone and turn off your alarm, turning over, you stretch and yawn. You sit up confused as to your location *Where the heck am i-* Then all the memories flash to your head, and you smile *Moon brought me here, I remember now* You get up and dust yourself off, putting away your sleeping bag. You walk out the nap room and look around, the lights got switched back on, meaning Sun would be there "Sunny?" You don't get a response so you go down the slide and yell up to Sun's room, he told you a while back that behind the clock was where he stayed at night. You hear a sound of metal creaking and then Sun appears at the tip of the clock "y/n! Good Morning!" You watch as he dives into the ball pit, picking you up and setting you on the foam mats "Thanks Sun, how did you sleep?" He smiles and puts his hands together, placing them on the side of his head like a pillow "I slept amazing! How about you y/n?" You sigh and do a little more stretching "I slept okay I guess, I don't see how the kids fall asleep in those sleeping bags though-

     You hear Sun giggle to himself and you look up at him "What is it?" He giggles some more and then catches his breath "Moon says that you were sleep talking! Hahaha-" You gasp and cover your mouth *Me? Sleep talking, about what?* Sun stopped laughing and looked forward as if he was listening to something "Mmm, no I won't tell them" You waved a hand in front of Sun's face and he looked back down at you "Helloooo, who are you talking to?" You watch as he taps his head and giggles "Moon of course! You guys met, remember?" You forgot Sun and Moon shared a body for a second, causing you to turn pink "Oh! I almost forgot! Tell Moon I say 'Thank you'?" Sun nods his head "He heard you, but enough using me as your messenger! Me and you can talk now!" You giggle and head back up to your desk, Sunny following behind you "Hmm, help me make my list first and then we'll talk okay?" Sun claps his hands together and smiles "Yes! Add 'Movie Time' to the bottom of the list!" You are confused and look up at Sun "A movie as the kids leave? Won't they want to stay later to finish the movie?" Sun shook his head and giggled "No silly! Me and you will watch a movie after the kids are gone! Like a playdate!" Your face turns pink and so does his, almost as if he realized what he said "W-wait y/n! I meant as friends! I don't mean to startle you!" You shook your head and smiled sheepishly "No, it's okay Sun! I think spending time together will be fun!" You guys move past the subject, completing the list. Sun asks you about your adventures with Moon and how they went, you felt like you could talk for hours about the fun you had. Shooting Moon with a laser-gun, stealing fizzy-faz from the vending machines, exploring the depths of Music Man's tunnels, everything made you smile as you talked about it!

     When you finish explaining your night you look up to see Sun smiling wide at you "What?" He shakes his head out of daze "Oh! Nothing! I just like to hear you talk is all!" His face going to pink and back "But, Sunny, don't you already know about everything that happened last night?" He puts one of his hands behind his head and nods "Well, yes...But you seemed to have fun and I wanted to see you smile!" You feel the warmth of your face as it turns red "Oh, well thank you for listening Sunny!" You stand up and give him a firm hug, in which he returns "Anytime Sunshine!" You like the nickname he gave you, but don't mention anything about it. The intercom turns on and you hear a static male voice welcoming in customers, informing them of the future show to be performed. "Ah, your time to go get ready Sun! I'll see you soon okay?" Sun pats your head softly and nods his head "Okay! See you y/n!" He returns to his 'room' and you unlock the Daycare Center doors, seeing little Macy waiting there. "Hello Macy! Welcome back!" She giggles and hugs your leg "Hi y/n! I missed you!"

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