~Prologue -- The Weapon~

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*~*~*~*This Book is Dedicated to my good friend, nicknamed Scar, who helped get the idea started for this Amazing Adventure back in 2018*~*~*~*


The assistant scribbled on the piece of paper attached to her clipboard. "Sir the experiment was a success. This 'Weapon' will be completely done by next month-"

"Speed up the process. We must have it fully completed by next week or else-"

"But sir. It's a delicate process. One wrong move and-"

"Did I stutter?!" The man quickly stands pointing a gun to the head of his assistant and the assistants eyes widen. "Complete it or else you will find a bullet in your skull in 3... 2...1-"

"Fine!" The assistant quickly knocks the gun away with her clip board. "I'll speed up the process." She glares pointing the clipboard at the man. "But if anything goes wrong it will be your fault. Not mine." She straightens herself tugging on her coat slightly. "In other news the others are wanting to get their hands on your... weapon. I sure hope you got some sort of plan."

"Believe me, I do." The man says putting the gun within its holster on his belt.

"Since when has anyone actually believed in something you've said, besides me, sir." The assistant says turning, quickly speed walking out of the office shutting the door behind her.

The man sits down with a slight grin on his face, his pale brown eyes staring towards the light seeping through the cracks beneath as his door shuts behind his assistant. "Trust me... this time it'll succeed... I'll make sure of it."

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