Chapter One

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May 25th 2010

Today's the day, the day I'm supposed to give birth to my babygirl. I've been in labor for 4 hours, and he's not here.. He promised.

****Ring Ring****

"Hello" I heard my sister say as another contraction hit.

"She's in labor Liam, you need to get here," she semi yelled.

"She's never going to forgive you... neither of them will." I could hear her voice get quite as she said it and i knew he wasn't coming...

"Please Liam, please I love you... Our daughter is going to be here soon... I need you.. We need you.." I cried as another contraction it.

Tears running down my face as another doctor came in, "Okay Payton let's check you."

I couldn't breath.. He left.. he really left... We were married...

"Payton, I'm gonna need you to calm down, or you're gonna hurt the baby, youre almost fully dilated. So calm down for me honey," The doctor said.

I tried to breath, but it was so hard, my heart hurt more then anything and I just wanted the world to stop and let me breath. This was too much pain...

"Pay, I need you to listen to me okay, this baby is what matters right now, and fuck Liam, your daughter needs you right now, she needs you to breath and push.. I am so proud of you and I know the easier thing would be to give up, but since when do the Jones' give up? Never right?! SO PUUUUUSSSSSHHHHH." My sister cried out and I know she's right, so I do, and I pushed out my daughter, Annabelle Marigold Jones and her twin brother, Anthony Marcelle Jones. We didn't know Anthony existed, but he was one of the best surprises ever.

Annabelle was 8lbs 8.2oz 21.5 inches long, and Anthony was 8lbs 8.3oz ans 22.5 inches long. They were the greatest gift ever, and they looked just like him. But that no longer mattered. They need me and I can no longer live without them. So I now have to do everything I can to make sure they have the life they deserve, the things they want and need.

Nothing else matters. Just them.

3 Days later

"Payton, it's time to go home.." I heard Chelsey say, home... i dreaded going home, first, he's no longer there.... Second, I have nothing for Anthony, and no one to help me get anything. Chelsey's already taken off so much work to help me.

"Okay, just give me a sec, I'm feeding Anna." She nodded.

I got ready, got the twins ready, my sister went and bought a second carseat because we had one for Anna, but not Tony.

"Do I tell him?" I asked my sister, looking at my son.

"No, he left remember? He doesn't deserve them, or you.." She said passionately.

"Okay.." I said quietly.

The drive home was silent, except for the twins small noises.

We pulled into the long driveway, and I half expected his truck to be there.. But it wasn't.

We parked in the garage, my sister grabbed both carseats while I hobbled my way to the door to open it and sit down. I walked into the living room and everything of his was gone.... I turned on the tv to take my mind off of him, but that didn't help, because there he was, on tv with her..... Stacey Smith the girl who did everything she could to try and be with Liam. The person he promised to never be with because I was all he wanted and needed. She was pregnant too... But what surprised me more was he was on tv because he was in a band called One Direction.. He said the x-factor didn't pan out, I guess he lied again...

I pulled out my phone and dialed his number, "Hey you reached Liam Leave a message."

"It's me," I paused to shush the twins who were both whining. "She's here.. She's healthy and sp beautiful Liam.. I'm not mad, shit i'm not even upset. I forgive you.. But, I won't ever forgive you for hurting our future and our kids. Goodbye Liam... For good this time...." I cried and hung up.

I got this... I hope...

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