Chapter 3

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Dear Liam,                                                                                                                                         10/25/2010

I know you'll probably never read this, but I love and miss you. Annabelle is getting so big, she started crawling today... You missed it.. God i love and miss you so much, why'd you just leave? You should've just talked to me and we could've worked this out... Come home please... Stacey was wrong, you are their father.. Yes I said their, we have 2 kids, Annabelle Marigold Jones and her twin brother, Anthony Marcelle Jones. They're so big, and so full of energy, you'd love them. They have so much personality... Anyways, I'm gonna go now, this is my last letter Liam. I love you. Goodbye My love.

With Love,

Someone you loved..

I sealed the letter and wrote the address on the front of the envelope, and put a stamp on it. This is my last letter, don't get me wrong I havent obssessively written to Liam, but I wrote a couple and included pictures of Annabelle, and this time of both Annabelle and Anthony. 

I took the twins for a walk around our neighorhood one last time to fine a mailbox to mail the letter. Once it was in, I walked back home and got in my car, I drove past all of our old memories, and never looked back...

10 Years later

"Mommy wake up," I hear my name and slowly opened my eyes to see my beautiful daughter laying next to me staring me in the eyes. I lightly laugh, "You're goofy little lady." I say scooping her up in my arms to hold her tight. 

"Where's Tony" I ask.

"Still sleeping." She said and rolled her eyes. I look at the clock and see it's 6:30 in the morning.

"Why are you up?" I asked.

"I couldn't sleep." She said.

"Alright, lets go," I said rolling out of bed. 

I slowly walk to the kitchen and grab a bowl to make panacakes in. I watch Anna as she plays on her Ipad, and just wonder how she looks like the girl version of Liam, and my heart hurts a little. It's gotten easier as time goes on, but it's still hard to deal with.

I get done making breakfast and put the food on plates, and I gave Anna hers and place Tony's down next to her, and walk to his room. He's slightly hanging off the bed when I walk in. He's the spitting image of Liam. I slightly laugh and sit on his bed and slowly shake him awake. 

"Anthony baby, time to wake up. Today's the day." I said, and it's like he'd been up for hours. 

"IT IS?!" He yelled a little too loud.

"Yes honey bunches" I laughed as he attacked me with hugs. 

"Go eat breakfast bud." I say.

After breakfast we all shower and get ready. I do my makeup and put on a dress. 

****Knock Knock****

I walk to the door and open it. 

"Hey there beautiful!" Justin said.

"Hey baby." I said.

"Are you guys ready?" He asked. 

"Almost the kids are getting their shoes on." I say.

"We're ready momma," Anna says smirking a little.

"Okay let's go," Justin said smiling.

"So what's this family surprise anyways.." I ask laughing.

"You'll see," Justin said as we start driving.

I silently stare at Justin as we drive smiling, he's been a real saint. I've known him as long as I've known Liam. Well knew Liam. We we're all best friends, and when Liam left, Justin stepped up and helped. I called him and he came. If i need a break or sleep, Uncle Justin was happy to step up. Doesn't matter that he's Justin Beiber, what mattered to me was that he was so sweet and good to my kids, and it just made me fall for him. The first 5 years we didn't think of each other like that. 

It wasn't until the twins were about 6 years old and Justin had been over helping with them and visiting with them, they had gone to bed and we just sat there so tired just talking, and he kissed me. I haven't looked back since...

I'm so grateful for him.We've been dating for about 4 years now.  I love him to death. And so do the kids. They know about Liam, not eveything, but they say that if the "person who helped create them" their words not mine, left their mommy who is an amazing person, if he could hurt her, then they deserved better. 

We pull up to the beach and get out, and I shyly smile knowing I love the beach and needed a beach day.

We spent the day playing on the beach and taking pictures, and posing for a photographer, Justin said he wanted me to feel special, and just being with each other in the moment. I walk down to the edge of the sand and water, and close my eyes and breath in the salty air.

"Hey Pay, can you turn around and keep your eyes closed?" Justin asked. I did as I was asked, curious of what's happening.

"Open beautiful." He spoke as soft as ever.

I open my eyes, and see the kids with signs and red roses.

Anna's says, "Mommy you're beautiful and amazing, you're hard working and the best person ever! Please say yes!" 

Tony's says, "Momma, Will you marry Uncle Justin?"

And then I look down at Justin who is on one knee holding the most beatiful three stone princess cut ring I've ever seen.

"Well, What do you say? Will you marry me?" He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"YES!" I said as loud as I could, and he jumped up and grabbed me and the kids swarmed us. 

"Justin- Justin over here- Did you just propose to her? Who is she? Are those your kids? "Did she say yes" Paparazzi surrounded us.. I grabbed the kids hands and we rush to the truck. 

"I'm sorry Pay-" He started.

"It's okay he was going to have to know sometime," I said and we left. 

I was so happy, but there was something missing and I can't figure out what. Justin's perfect for me.

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