Chapter 2

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3 months after the twins were born

I feel a mess, I haven't slept, I've only eaten because the twins need me too, I don't wanna move. Eveything I felt for him is now anger. He doesn't deserve my energy and he doesn't deserve my kids.

They're getting so big. theyre both about 20lbs now. They're holding their heads up now. 

I called him, and it went to voicemail, "Hey It's Liam, Leave a message and I'll get back to ya!"

"Hey, it's me... Annabelle is so big, she's got your eyes. She looks just like you, and I hope she always does, because we made the most beautiful kids ever. I miss you... Bye" I hung up the phone barely keeping it together. 

I slowly walk to the bathroom to rinse my face off. 

****RING RING****

"Hello?" I said.

"Payton Jones?" They said quietly.

"May I as who's calling?" I asked.

"Hi Ma'am, I was calling to inform you that your husband, Mr. Liam Payne has been in a car accident if you could get here." I gasped and froze, I was still his emergency contact... God I hope he's not hurt, I didn't know what to say, and my mind is racing 1000mph. "Is he okay?" I finally asked.

"Ma'am if you could just come here so the doctors can speak to you, it's important." The nurse said sadly.

"I'll be right over." I said hurriedly.

****RING RING****

"Hey sissy what's up?" Chelsey said happily on the other line.

"I need you to get over here and watch ther twins I'll explain when I get home, but please just get here so I can leave asap." I hurriedly explained.

"Okay on my way Pay..." She said, I heard her keys as she hung up.

I looked at my children and wondered if this was worth it. Should I be mad, upset even, should I scream at him? Or should I just hear him out? I take a deep breath and hold it for a couple seconds.

****DING DONG****

I run to the door and grab my coat. I open it to see Chelsey looking concerned as ever, but she can tell by the look on my face that I need to go, so all she says is "Go.." With a small smile.

I get in my Chevy Silverado and just sit there for a minute, and just breath and trying not to cry. I finally compose myself, and I'm able to drive, so I put on my playlist on Spotify, and drive for what feels like forever, but its just 20 minutes, until I'm at the hospital and I park. 

I slowly walk to the front doors of the same hospital where I had the twins and walk to the front desk.

"How can I help you?" the nurse said.

"Hi, I got a call about my husband Liam Payne, they said he was here." I breathed out.

"Do you had ID ma'am? Sorry to ask, but especially given who he is I need to make sure you're his wife." She said.

"Yeah sure." I said and handed it to her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Payne, Sorry about that." She said, "Hes in room  613 6th floor take a right then a left and you should be at the room."

"Thank you so much, can I ask what's wrong or if he's okay?" I ask.

"Ma'am I think it's best if you just wait and talk to the doctor when you get there." she said with a sad voice.

I slowly turned around and went to the elevator. I waited patiently for it to get to me and what felt like forever to get to the 6th floor. 

Finally, I arrive outside his room and I pause before I go in. It sounds quiet, and I don't know what to expect.

As I step in the room I hear, "Payton, is that you?" 

My blue eyes meet his chocolate brown ones, "Are you okay?"

"Oh good Mrs. Payne, they said you were here. I'm Dr. Henry Grace, your husband has many cuts and bruises on his body, he broke his neck, arm, and 3 ribs, he's very lucky none of his ribs punctured his lungs. He should be able to go home soon, but he needs to be supervised." The doctor said, and all I could do is nod and look at Liam.

"Dr. Grace could you let me talk to my wife please. Alone" Liam asked.

"What are you doing here Pay?" He asked roughly.

"They called me and I needed to make sure you weren't dead." I say as coldly as I can.

"Well I'm not. Go home.." He said slightly snapping at me.

"You're not even going to ask about her Liam?" I asked with hatred in my heart, towards the man who is laying in this bed, because it wasn't the Liam I fell for.

"Why would I? She's not even mine Pay..." He said with sadness, which broke my heart because I could never do that to him." 

"What do you mean she's not yours? You know what, you're right she's not yours, you're not there, so I will be, I'll step up and be there for her, and hold her and love her. She's yours through and through Liam. She has your eyes, your nose, your ears, and your hair..." I choked down a sob, because after he said this, he won't ever know about Anthony.

"Yeah right Payton. I know she's really Justins'" He scuffed quietly.

"She's yours Liam, and she always has been, who told you that? Stacey? I wonder why? I wonder what she had to gain by telling you that the child you got me pregnant with wasnt yours." I said harshly. And he looked dumbfounded.

"You Liam. She had you to gain" I cried as I looked into his eyes.

"Ewwwwww what's she doing here? You look fat.." I heard her shrivelous voice as I turned to see Stacey.

"I'm still his wife. And I won't justify anything to you. Also since you're here you can take over those duties since I'm out." I said shortly.

"You're not his wife for long hunnybun, he proposed last night." I looked at Liam heartbroken.

"Payton..." He started.

"Don't it's okay. We need a divorce anyways..." I said.

I finaly looked at Stacey, with all the hatred I  could and said, "You can have him, good luck. and next time don't fuck with my childrens' life. I get you want him, but it's clear what kind of man he is, so I would have gladly step out of the way, because I deserve way better then him, and frankly, even though you and I don't get a long, so do you." I said sincerely.

"Good luck.." I nodded at both of them and walked away... 

When I got home I told Chelsey what happened and what Liam said, and she held me as I cried for myself and my kids. 

Today I start new...

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