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My head was slammed hard against the locker, sending my eyes a splash of coloured spots.I looked into the malicious eyes of the bullies not backing down.
"What did you say, goth?"
"Your a waste of space and deserve to rot in the deepest pits of Tartarus. And apparently you have a hearing problem too." He slammed my head again. Blood filled my mouth. I spit it at them. He let go screeching in disgust. I got up from the floor. And wiped my mouth, probably smearing blood across my face.
"Don't touch me ever again."
Just then I heard a yelp, and turned to see Mae's scared face as she disappeared into a closet. This was our sad, pathetic life.
"It's cold in here brat! Give me your jacket!!" Idiot #1 screamed.
"Would it help if set your sorry a@@ on fire?" I retorted. Mari was about to slap me for back talking her loser of a boyfriend when I gave her a pretty black shiner to go along with her overdone eyeliner.
"Just something to remember me by" I spat.
"Have you been ignoring me? Look at me when I'm talking to you Mae!" Axel yelled. He pinned me against the wall of the tiny janitors closet we were in.
"No! Just leave me alone, I told you I'm not interested!" I cried, struggling against his strength. He slapped me and kissed my forehead.
"You're mine. Got that? Even if we're separated by the benders and shifters. You are mine." I kneed him in the stomach and let out a loud scream. I couldn't breathe. I was so afraid. I could feel the tears welling up in my baby blue eyes. Then the door slammed open.
I bolted to the closet I heard the scream come from. The blood streamed from my nose. I flung open the door to see Axel Hunter's hands all over Mae. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him backwards and slammed him hard against the wall.
"What did I tell you I would do if you ever touched Mae again!" I growled.
"You would hurt me," he laughed.
"That's right," and then out of nowhere I kneed him in the groin and slammed his head into the wall with a profound crack. He crumpled like a paper sack and I turned to Mae who was up against the wall breathing hard. I walked out of the closet and ripped my backpack off the ground where it had been knocked out of my hands from Axel's goons. Mae looked pretty frazzled but okay. I can't say the same for myself. But I would do anything to protect my best friend. She's the closest thing I have to family. At this dumb boarding school, the only thing we've ever known is this war and the way our lives have been written out for us.

At birth you're chosen from strongest to weakest. If you're weak and brittle you are raised by your family, afterwards you are sent off as a slave for either the Benders or the Shifters, depending on your parentage. If you are stronger you are taken at birth and raised by the government. One hundred years ago, the world was separated into two provinces, the Benders, the more military of the two, who can bend the elements,and the Shifters, the classier more expensive, who can shift into whatever they want. The war has lasted longer than any other war we have ever know. Each side thrives on breeding, if you are a Bender you get a watch sewn onto your skin that counts down until you meet your soul mate. Shifters get necklaces that are apart of a unique shape and get colder and hotter the farther and closer you get to your love.

When you turn fifteen your ceremony happens, and everyone and everything you know disappears. I just pray that Mae and I get placed into the same province. We walked down the small corridor to our room. Mae rushed inside to finish packing.
"The ceremony is FRIDAY! Eve you promised you would finish packing!" Mae snapped, yanking my comforter off the bed. I grumbled and sat on our comfy, old sofa. I didn't want to pack because I didn't want to go. I had lived in this tiny room my whole life. And just like that it was all being taken from me. Mae packed the rest into my duffel, and softly placed it next to hers.
"I hate it too, but we were stupid to ignore it." She said softly, brushing away a tear. I traced my finger against the wall. We had scratched our names into it when we were five. Stupid we were.

The days seemed to fly by. I just wanted to grab onto them and hold tight. They flew past and it was Friday. Our bunk-bed looked dull and lifeless, the room was empty, and our worn sofa was fluffed up for the next students. I let my honey brown hair fall down my back. I wore minimal makeup, I lined my eyes with eyeliner, and smoothed down my silk black dress. I felt like chucking my heels across the room in frustration, every step was agony.
Eve was flawless, her muddy brown hair was flowing in waves around her face. She still had a slight tan from last years trip to the provinces, and her gown was a rippling blue dress that complemented her murky blue eyes. She cast me a sad look before picking up her bags and heading to the ceremony. I followed her out, tripping each step. The auditorium was packed, gold and white streamers hung from the ceiling and the front row had leaders and lieutenants from both provinces on each side. I bit my lip and followed Eve into the overwhelming crowd. Soon we were separated and seated next to each other on the right side of the room.
The announcer began to speak. Names were called and tears were shed but none were hard as mine. Soon enough I was lined up right behind Eve.
"Love ya kid" Eve whispered, squeezing my hand tightly.
"Love you-" But before I could say too, I was interrupted. "Anna-Mae Lily Claire. Has been chosen for Shifter Province," the announcer cried. I crossed my fingers as I exited the stage, smiling my best fake smile and waving to the audience. "Cassia Evelynn Alenna Cross. Has been chosen for Bender Province. Manipulation." My face fell and I wanted to cry. We were enemies now.
That was the last time, or so I thought, I would ever see my friend.
Sorry about the switching back and forth the chapters from now on will have one point of view, switching each chapter. Hope you enjoyed!

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