Silks and Machine Guns

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After the ceremony they herded us into military trucks with canvas tops. Girls in the first twelve, boys in the next sixteen. We were shoved twenty eight per truck, the silks, suedes and bright colors getting crunched together. Our knees were smashed into each other and the heat began to get unbearable even with the cold, rainy wind blowing in through the back. We bumped along for hours, girls chatting and playing cats cradle, along with other finger and hand games. Just like fifth grade all over again. I sat silently, head down. I was thinking about Mae. What was going to happen to her? I wondered if we would see each other ever again. We would meet on the fields of battle, and if luck wasn't on our side, we would have to face each other, no longer friends, but as enemies. I sighed, looking out the back flap at the trees and mountain peaks. The bender land was said to be plentiful, gorgeous and the better of the two. It was once called "The West" and the people who lived here before the Great War used to say that it was our "Manifest Destiny" to claim the land. But that was just an old folk tale from our ancestors who survived the nuclear apocalypse. Finally, the bouncing stopped and a soldier came around, a rifle strapped over his shoulder.
"Get out, ya floosies," he growled stabbing a cigarette into his mouth. The girls all tumbled out, some falling into the mud, others falling into the arms of soldiers dramatically, who in turn dumped them in the mud. I was the last out and I was the only one that didn't trip and I let my skirt drag through the mud not making eye contact with anyone. I finally reached the concrete step and stepped off the gravel and mud ridden asphalt. Girls began lining up in the rain to file into a long cafeteria-like hall. Inside, there were tables all in long rows, as well as six doors at the head of each table. We all sat and they al, began to babble like banshees. I stayed quiet and suddenly I heard a small incantation.
"תן לזה להיות שקט." (Let it be silent) the room suddenly went quiet and girls an boys alike began to claw frantically at their mouths, all accept me. Apparently, being quiet in the long run helps quite a bit, those years of being shushed by teachers payed off.
"Welcome, to The Bender Province young trainees. Today you become the Warriors you have been meant to become. You will walk through those doors to complete your training and graduate as an officer, cavalry, infantry, or worker. Good luck," and then she vanished into thin air. Yet, I heard a whisper,
"You are special. I will be watching you."

We one by one walked through the door to God knows what. Finally I heard,
"Cassia Evelyn Alenna Cross."
"Dam*, that's a mouthful." I did a quick look about to find a girl with a short black dress, earbuds and a gum smacking fetish. I frowned at her and walked through the door. There, was a woman in cheetah print pants, a tight gold tank top, twelve-ish inch heels, and with an Afro the size of the moon. There was a chair, a box, and needles and tattoo ink. She turned,
"Well, ain't you a Perty one? Was yo name girl?"
"Cassia, but I am called Eve."
"Well! Miss Eve, you have a lot o' head of you. I see too much in your future. Have a seat," she patted the doctors seat next to her.
"This 'uns where you get your power tattoo and your soulmate watch. I sew the watch to your skin and it binds. Then you pick a tattoo. I give you the one ya' want then of to trainin' you go,"
"Okay......ummmmm. I just have one question."
"Yes, honey Darlin'?"
"What's your name?" She laughed a cat like feline laugh and then placed her bangled hands on her hips before saying,
"I'm Niagra, Chiilen. However I'm called Goldie round' here," I nodded and she picked out a black watch. She pulled out an needle and threaded it with glittering clear string.
"This might hurt a little," she whispered. She began chanting,
"לאגד את הנשמה , אחר בדיוק כמו שצריך כדי להפוך אותם לזרוח באהבהואיחוד המשגשג . הפוך התאמתםמושלמת לאחד את השני וכל מה שהם מייצגים. אף פעם לא יהיה להם לעזוב את כל צד אחר עד שמותםחלק . רק עד למועד נכון . " (Bind to the soul, another just right to make them shine in love and prosperous union. Make them perfect match for each other and everything they stand for. never shall they leave each others side until death do they part. only until the time is right. bind.) She chanted this while sewing the strip of magic time into my left wrist, it hurt but not unpleasantly so.
"Now that that grue'sm work is done. What tattoo do you want, Evie dear," I pondered this for a moment. Then I decided.
"I would like a tattoo from my right shoulder down back, I want it to say, 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' I want a collage of names of fallen heroes, flowers, shadows, watercolors, sunsets, villages, compasses. I wanted it to be bold and big. I want it to speak of pain and loss. I also want it to say love, trust and adventure. And grace and courage. I want you to make it an master piece. Life itself needs to be painted on my back. Please. I need one name in particular, Anna-Mae Lily Claire," she stared at me awed.
"You are going to be the best of us all," she whispered. She pushed me down on the table.
"You are never going to regret this," and she began her work of art.

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