The Bird Necklace

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"I AM capable of walking you know!" I screeched, trying to slide out of their grip. We were walking through the grass, leaving the school auditorium. The sleek black vehicles of the shifters could be seen from across the grounds. The official on my left stared at the other one and pressed her lips together. My hair was stuck up in patches and slightly wispy from all the sweating I'd been doing.
I couldn't believe my rotten luck. The official on my right was bald and burly, with a thick brown beard, black suit, and shades on his pale head. The official on my left was pretty and businesslike, she was wearing a sleek black pantsuit, her blond hair was pinned up, and she too was donning sunglasses. My dress was rimmed with grass and I felt squashed. It was getting hard to breathe, between the personal-space-violating officials, and the crisp June heat, I was about ready to pass out. But something strange happened. Something I cannot begin to explain.
I felt my body tighten and all my muscles clench. I felt like I could fly. "Bird. Sir." The lady official said into her com device. I exhaled and could feel myself release. The officials hauled me into the truck and I couldn't begin to fathom what had just happened.
I turned into a bird.

We were in a limo-like vehicle and it was mainly girls, the boys were put in a separate vehicle. There were plush black seats holding about twenty girls, including me, cupholders in between every five seats, and a black glass partition in between us girls and the officials driving. "I'm over the moon!" A girl with fiery red hair sighed. "My boyfriend Adam and I were put into the same province!" Everyone shifted nervously, obviously doubting whether or not that poor girl would see him again. "Honey, the SECOND we get our pair necklaces, you'll be kissing that boy bye-bye." A blonde replied rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. The blonde was wearing a long silver dress, her blonde hair was curled at the tips, her brown eyes had glitter around them, and she had a band around her head, lined with stars. "You don't know that!" The redhead objected, smoothing down her silk white mermaid gown. "And by the way, my name's Brielle everyone." The redhead announced. "We really didn't need to know that but since we're starting introductions, I'm Quinn." The blonde grumbled. Thus introduction's began. "What's your name kid?" A girl with dark skin, shoulder length black hair, a button nose, and lavender dress asked me. "My name is Anna-Mae but I go by Mae." I mumbled. "I'm Theadora, but everyone calls me Thea." The girl said smiling.
I officially knew three of my twenty peers in the limo. This was going to be a rough adjustment.

I woke up after a five hour car ride to a tall white-silver building composed of many cylinders, and pods for windows. The grounds were lush and tropical with trees and springs every which way. The official with the beard opened the door and let us out. "There will be change of clothes waiting for you with your necklace and a note with your room number and key. Welcome to training base 20648." He said in a dull gruff voice. We all rushed into the glass double doors that led us inside.
The main hall was huge. The walls were a clean white, the floors were beige tile, there were hundreds of students, officials everywhere, and long red tables lined with clothes and cards. I pushed my way through the crowd until I had found my name. I picked up the place card and read.
Anna-Mae Claire, welcome to your shifter training base. The officials informed me that your first shifting was a bird, a sign of grace and elegance, because of that fact, your pairing necklace is a bird. Underneath this table you will find your bags. Your room key and number is on the back of this card. Welcome.
From, Official 00185
I peeked under the table to get my duffel. It was squashed in between a musty leather knapsack, and a pink suitcase. My room number was five, which wouldn't be hard to remember. I grabbed all my belongings and shoved through the chatty crowd, up the staircase with glass railing, to the second level.
I opened the doors to room five and there stood Brielle in a baggy grey sweatshirt and black shorts. "What are the odds!" She squealed, smiling and hugging me. "Yeah." I murmured. I put the change of clothes from the official in my dresser, and grabbed my nightgown out of my bag before shoving the duffel under my plain twin size bed. I went to the bathroom to shower and change into my light pink nightgown. I brushed my teeth and turned out the lights before looking around the room. The walls were beige colored, there were two twin beds separated by a thin white bookcase with textbooks in it, the beds had plain white sheets, there were dressers next to each bed, the floors were shiny brown wood, and there was a plain white fuzzy carpet on the floor.
I grabbed my bird necklace out of my duffel, put it on, and checked the time.
Five years, two months, and four days before I met my soulmate.
I tucked my necklace under my nightgown and turned off the lamp on my dresser. I couldn't help but think of where Eve was right now or if she was safe. But she was my enemy now. Whether I liked it or not.

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