Buck I, Olivia I, Amanda I

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It's been a few months, hasn't it? XD I got all caught up in moving and finding an internship and getting a new hobby and going back down the rabbit hole that is "Danger Zone" . . . but I finally felt the motivation to come back to this one! I apologize in advance if it's a little shaky in the beginning.

Members of NYPD get the news their favorite firefighters are coming back to New York, and in Los Angeles, Buck updates Eddie, then the 118, on what's happening with Bobby. Turns out, their captain got left out of the San Angelo loop . . . whoops.



"Bobby worked 9/11?" Eddie asked in shock as he and Buck cleaned up after dinner.

"Yeah," Buck nodded, putting leftovers in Tupperware containers. "He was sent to help clean up after the attacks."

"God," Eddie sighed, closing the dishwasher and leaning against the counter. "I've been in warzones after 9/11. To think of being up close and personal with the damage that caused the war . . . " He shook his head. "I can't imagine."

"And Bobby's going back to New York for the 20th anniversary," Buck nodded, trading the Tupperware for bottles of beer. "I admire that. He's the strongest leader I know. For him to go back and face those memories?" He whistled. "How can you not respect that?"

"I do," Eddie agreed. "Do you know if he's meeting anyone there? Or he's taking anyone?"

"He didn't say anything about meeting people," Buck shook his head. "But I said I would go with him."

"You did?" Eddie's eyebrows shot up.

"Yeah," Buck nodded. "I mean . . . it's Bobby. And every first responder hears about being the first to run into danger . . . I can't think of many calls more dangerous than 9/11, both during the event and its aftermath. I think it's a good learning opportunity for me, too. But I want to be there for Bobby, too, no matter if anyone else goes with him or not."

Eddie smiled softly. "You're incredible. You know that, right?"

Buck ducked his head bashfully. "I'd do it for any of the 118."

"I know," Eddie grinned. "That's what makes you incredible." He pointed his beer at Buck. "He's lucky he's got you. We're all lucky we've got you."

Buck hoped his blush wasn't too obvious as he clinked his bottle against Eddie's. "Thanks, Eds."


The bullpen was mostly silent as the officers went to work on their case, their leader turning away from the board when her phone buzzed in her pocket. Frowning, she pulled it out and checked her most recent message.

Elliot: Did you get this e-mail?

Olivia checked the attached file her best friend sent, and her eyebrows raised when she saw what it was for. She walked into her office and accessed her e-mail on her computer. Sure enough, she found a matching e-mail sitting in her inbox, and she clicked it open to read it through. When she reached the end, she swallowed hard, leaning back in her chair. She finally tapped Elliot's contact in her phone and put her phone to her ear.

Elliot answered immediately. "I can't believe he's coming back."

"It's the 20th anniversary, Elliot," Olivia said softly, seeing the information Owen had sent about him and TK returning to New York. "I'm not surprised at all."

"I know," Elliot sighed. "We just know better than anyone, other than maybe TK, how much the day weighs on Owen."

"You're right," Olivia nodded. "It always takes a toll on him this time of year . . . but twenty years, El."

When The Walls Come Tumblin' Down (9-1-1s/Chicago Fire/Law & Orders)Where stories live. Discover now