Chapter 7: Tris your arm but Forever and Always

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I clutch my arm screaming from the pain. "Tobias, help please. It hurts so bad." I say. Tobias sounds better than Four. So I'll call him Four when we are in public. " Okay, we need to get you home." he tells me. He picks me up bridal style and runs to his apartment. When we get there he picks up the phone. He calls his friend Zeke and tells him to cover for him. When he hangs up he goes into the bathroom and brings back a home first aid kit. Then he gets an ice pack from the freezer. "Tris this is going to sting okay. I don't want to hurt you no matter what. But this will make the pain some what go away." he says. And I nod. He opened a bottle of peroxide. Then he poured some onto the slash wound. I grit my teeth so the scream doesn't come out. "I'm so sorry. I didn't think that could hurt you that bad. But then again I forgot about how weak a girl could be. You don't show weakness. All I see is strong in you." he says. Then he grabs a wrap and wraps my arm in it. "I'm gonna switch my jobs.That way we can spend more time together and I can make sure your safe for most of the day." he says.


"It's official, I am now working in the control room with Zeke. So now I only work from six to ten." he tells me. I'm relieved that I can spend more time with him. "Oh what will we do with our spare time?" I ask grinning. "Watch some movies,puzzles,card games,candor or dauntless, and maybe some tickling." He says. And with that he jumps on the couch and starts to tickle me. How does he know where I'm ticklish at. Anyway's it was fun. The only way he would stop would be by me kissing him. So that's exactly what I do. Then we put in Selena. We lay down on the couch watching the movie. He holds me at the end because I'm in tears. The warmth of his body up against mine makes me feel happy again. "Tris it's ok. You don't need to cry. I'm here for you. I promise that I will always be here for you no matter what."he says. After he said this I know he is the only one who will ever understand me. He understands me the way no I have ever meet has. He will always and forever be mine. "Forever and Always?" I ask him. "Forever and Always Tris." He tells me back.


It's about 1130 at night. Tobias fell asleep with me in his arms. It didn't realize it til about an hour ago. I give him a quick kiss. "Tobias, I think we should go lay down in bed. We have to get rest for tomorrow." I say. And with that he opens his eyes and returns the kiss. He lets me up and then he gets up. He stands up and wraps his arms around my waist. I turn to see what he's doing and he is falling back asleep. "Okay, I think Mr.Sleepyhead had a long day."I say and he grins. We walk to the bedroom. I grab a t-shirt and change into it. It's to hot to wear pants so I got without them. I climb into bed and pull the covers up so they cover me. Then Tobias gets on top of the comforter but doesn't cover up. It must be to hot for him. "Tobias are you hot or do you just not want that blanket?" I ask him. "There's nothing wrong with the blanket but last night it got to cold." he responds with. "Get under the comforter." I tell him. So he does, "I feel safer already" I tell him. He smiles and blushes a little. "I love you. You know that Tris."He says. "Yes Tobias I do know that." I say and give him a kiss on the cheek and the drift to sleep.

Tris, my true love~TobiasWhere stories live. Discover now