Chapter 15: I'm So Happy

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(3 Months Later)

Tobias's POV

Tris got huge over the past couple months. We got his room ready, we painted it black with a blue strip around the whole room. He has a black crib, and some blue, orange, green, and red clothes. Tris is eight in a half months pregnant so the baby could be here any day now. I'm lost in thought when Tris's eyes flutter open. "Good morning my husband and soon to be father." She says while stretching. "Good morning beautiful." I say. Tris gets up and walks over to the dresser. She grabs some clothes then goes into the bathroom and gets in the shower. I start thinking about our son some more. Like, Will I be a good father? Will I turn out to be like Marcus? Will he like me? Will he look like me at all? I continue to think until I hear a loud scream. It came from the bathroom. I get up and run into the bathroom. I say "Tris are you okay? What just happened?" I had her a towel and turn the water off as she lets out another scream. "No, I'm not okay. I don't know whats going on." Tris says while putting her clothes on. "I'm taking you to the hospital." I say and pick her up and walk as fast as I possibly can to get there. We get to the hospital in 3 minutes."I need a doctor. My wife is pregnant and something is going on." I say to the nurse. "Follow me" The nurse says and leads us to a room. "Lay her on this bed, I'm going to get the doctor." The nurse says. She comes back in with the doctor a minute later. They hook Tris up to a machine and give her and IV. "What is going on right now. " Tris says trying to stay calm. But you can tell its hard for her because she is holding back tears. "Well Tris your in labor. Which means your gonna have the baby today."The doctor says. Now Tris just lets the tears poor out. "Tobias...I'm scared. What if I'm not a good mom." She asks in between sobs. "Oh Tris.. we are going to be amazing parents. You especially Tris. Everything will be alright. I'll be right here the whole time." I say "Okay. I can do this. How long do I have to wait?" She asks the doctor."Well at the rate your going. About 10-15 minutes. Your already seven meters dialated." He says. I can see the fear in Tris's eyes. I grab her hand and tell her everything is going to be okay. "I love you Tris Eaton. I love you with all my heart and beyond. I promise I'm never going to leave you. We are going to have our son with us in a couple hours." I say. She nods and the pain instintly got a lot worse."Go get the doctor. I don't think I can wait 10 or 15 more minutes." She says. So I get up and rush to get the doctor. We come back in and he checks the paper and says "Tris and Tobias, are you ready to become parents?" We nod and he leaves then comes back with a couple nurses. I stand up and grab my wife's hand. "You got this Tris. You are braver than anyone I know. I wouldn't of been able to handle half of the things that you have." I tell her and now it is time for her to push. "Okay Tris I need you to push. I'm going to count to ten then you can stop." Says the nurse. Tris brings her head up and pushes as hard as she can. "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10" Says the nurse. Tris leans back and breathes in and out."Again. Ready? 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10" The nurse says. "I can see the head." The doctor says. "Come on Tris only a few more than we have our son for the rest of our lives." I say giving Tris confidence. She nods and starts pushing again. A half hour later our beautiful baby boy is born. "Tobias... He's perfect just like his daddy." She says "Welcome to the world Tobias jr." She adds. I can see tears falling from her eyes. I can feel tears forming in my eyes. Next thing I know Tris hands me our son and falls asleep. I'm so happy right now. I am the happiest person on this planet.

Tris, my true love~TobiasHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin