Chapter 19:Yes or no?!?

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Tris's POV

(A week Later)

I wake up to the smell of Cinnamon and Bacon. I climb out of bed and walk to the kitchen. I see Tobias standing in front of the stove cooking bacon and adding a little bit of cinnamon to it. "Hey bab.." I was trying to say but before I could finish my sentence I was running to the bathroom. I barely make it to the toilet before I throw up. I feel Tobias's hand on my back as I throw up more. I lean back and he flushes the toilet. Then he sits down next to me. "How you feeling now?" He asks. I shake my head and say "That hasn't happened in a while!" he raises his eyebrow. He gives me the 'Do you think' look. I can feel my facial expression go from plain to scared. "I don't know. What if I am? What if the same thing happens like last time?" I say and start to cry. "Hey. Listen to me. Everything will be okay. I promise you that. Nothing will happen if you are." Tobias says trying to calm me down. I'm about to say thanks when I feel the urge to throw up again. Tobias pulls my hair back as I continue to throw up. "Ca..ll Chris!!" I say louder than I should have. He gets up quickly and runs out. I can hear him talking to her. "Yeah yeah yeah!!! Just get here as fast as you can please!!" He says very nervously. He comes running back in. He looks scared and nervous, so pretty much like he's going to pass out. "Baby... calm down okay." I say as calmly as I can. He nods and begins to get color in his face again. A few moments later Christina comes running in our house and yells "TRIS!!!!" I look at my husband a nod my head towards the door. "In here Chris." I say before more throw up comes up. She comes running in here faster than you can say butterscotch. "Here!!" She says throwing a bag at me. I look at her than at Tobias. "Come on Four. Let's give her some privacy." Christina says practically dragging my husband out of the bathroom with her. I open the bag and see a pregnancy test inside of it. I open the box and take out the little stick thing. I pee on it then I wait. "Babe can you come back in here please!!!" I yell. Next thing I know he comes running in here out of breath. "Wha...Whats wrong?" He asks trying to catch his breath. I shake my head and pull him over to where I am. I stand up and make him sit down. Then I sit on his lap as we continue to wait. The timer goes off a couple minutes later. Tobias grabs the test and looks at it. He looks at it and his mouth curves downwards. I start to cry in his arms. "Hey look at me. Everything is fine. Wanna know how I know this?" He says and I nod. "Because we are having a baby!!" He exclaims. I jump off his lap and he picks me up and spins me around. Then we kiss then we hear Christina clear her throat. "So ummmm... what was all the spinning about?" She asks with a smirk on her face. I show her the pregnancy test and she squeals. It was probably the loudest thing that I have ever heard. "OMG!!!!!OMG!!!!OMG!!!!" She says even louder. "Okay? I'm gonna leave so you guys can celebrate the news!!!" She says and walks out the door. "Were having a baby!!" I say excitedly. Tobias pulls me into him and kisses me. At first its passionately but then it gets a little more rougher. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as we continue to kiss. He brings us over to the bed and lays me down gently. He pulls away but I pull him right back. "Tobias?" I say. He looks at me and says "What's wrong?". I shake my head and say "Nothing. I just don't think we should do this right now." He looks confused but he just nods. He lays on his back and I lay my head on his chest. He traces little circles into my back. We lay there for what seems like hours and eventually drift off to sleep.

Tris, my true love~TobiasHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin