Chapter. 32- Lecia

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(Come away to the  water by maroon 5)

Words echo, but one word, a name, stands out above them all. Lecia it seems so familiar, I've heard it somewhere but I can't put my finger on it, its just, its... my name? No it can't be, my name is Missa... that's my, that's my gamer name. I forgot my real name? But I- I don't think that's possible... Unless the creator brainwashed us, but then how can I remember Tristan and Sebastian?
Shaking my head subconsciously, my eyes flutter open and I notice that I am in a room. It's simple, from what I can see, there is only a table and a chair in it, and I am lying on the ground. seeming that I am on the ground it shouldn't be comfortable, right? Well it's actually pretty comfortable, like sinking into a cloud... I shoot upright and scream.
A moment later the room shatters and blackness surrounds me. Yellow eyesdance in the shade. I am not awake, I am asleep, just like I said I wouldn't do. Vulnerable, unless Tristan and Sebastian are somewhere.
Dreams are never good in this world because most of the time, they are not dreams.
I claw my way trough the dark, kicking and shaking off dark arms and hands. Of course my heart is pounding from adrenaline and fear. They can feel it. In out, breathe, and push forward.
Finally there is a rift, a white slash in the darkness, big enough for a person. The hands grabbing me become fiercer as I reach the rift.
I'm through. The hands are gone, although there is proof that they were in fact there. My clothes are practically ripped to shreds. Cool air blows on my skin as I am back in the field, though it's not the field I left in. Bodies, their everywhere. This time I cannot control my horror, I scream and step back on a hand. Turning around I scream again I horror but burst into tears mid-cry. It's Tristan, lying there, very much dead, his once sparkling eyes widen open.
I fall to my knees. 'This isn't real' I murmur to myself over and over.
I can't be real. Tristan isn't dead, these people aren't dead, it's a dream. this is all a dream.
I rock back in fourth as the scene shifts. I don't want to look, I can't look, I won't look. Shivers rack my body and I start to cry.
"Missa? Missa are you alright?"
I hesitate before looking up. I cry harder when I see the person standing in front of me.
It's Tristan, and he is very much alive.

Bad chapter? I know, I'm working on it. like I have told you guys, I am writing a lot of stories and now I am writing songs for my new demo. The next chapter will be better.
10 votes, 10 reads, 3 comments and I will update, love you all!
- C

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