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The next day, you tried to continue your day as usual, like nothing eventful ever happened, but it was pretty tricky since your confrontation with Izana just happened the day before. It did not help that you felt like you were being watched throughout the day. When you left the house, you felt eyes on you. When you were at work, writing about your interview with Naoto, you felt watched. When you were buying things at the grocery, you felt those same eyes watching your every move. If this did not scream danger, you did not know what did. After paying for your groceries, you hurriedly rushed out, hoping to get to the safety of your home quickly.

Unfortunately, you had to walk home since you didn't bring your car. You couldn't even run either since people would look at you weirdly. So as you walked, you internally prayed to whatever gods were out there that you would get home safely. It seems like the gods hated you because, after a few seconds, you noticed a car tailing you. It was being very obvious since it was moving very slowly next to you, following your own pace. You wanted to ignore the car and just walk on, but that would be a stupid decision because you would be basically leading the suspicious car to where you live. You decided to stop and look directly at the car, showing that you knew it was following you. For some reason, the driver in the car seemed surprised that you noticed. Like wow, a car following you and your pace, not suspicious at all. You watched as the driver lowered the window next to him. It appeared to be a man with a scar over his eye.

"So, do I need to ask the obvious questions, or can you answer them without me asking?" You said, really just tired of living already. The man seemed embarrassed for a few seconds but snapped out of it and spoke. "My name is Kakuchou Hitto, an executive of Bonten and a servant to my king. After hearing the words Bonten, you immediately knew you had to get out of there immediately, but you wanted to know who his king was. "May I ask who your king may be?" You said, gripping onto your bag, ready to run away. "My king is Izana Kurokawa." He replied. The moment he uttered his king's name, you ran for it. You went back to the mall, hoping you could lose the man in the busy crowd. Before entering a random store, you saw Kakuchou trying to find you in the busy crowd.


"Boss, I introduced myself to them, and they ran away and into the mall. Fortunately, I saw which story they had entered. Would you like me to get them?" the scarred man said. "No, let's leave her alone for now," Izana said. Kakucho obeyed and left the mall. "What an interesting turn of events. My queen decides to forget our first interaction and wants to play hide and seek now. This will be fun." Izana said, slightly smirking as he looked at the view from his office.


You watched as the scarred man turned and left the mall. Maybe he decided to quit looking for you, you thought. You decided to look around the store you entered in. It seemed to be a pet shop. As you looked around, you saw a man with long black hair and blonde highlights stocking the shelf. He seemed to notice you looking at him since he stopped stocking the shelves and looked at you, smiling. "Hello, may I help you?" The man asked. Wow. all you could say was that this man was pretty. You noticed you were staring at him and spoke, "I'm fine, I was just looking around." You said. "Oh, well then feel free to ask Chifuyu or me if you need any help," he said.

You nodded and decided to continue looking around. You always wanted a pet, but you never had time to look for one with your busy schedule. You weren't even sure if you could even take care of one. As you continued to walk around, you saw a black cat staring at you. It was beautiful, but you could see a hint of feralness in its eyes. It walked up to you, and suddenly you felt terrified. It would be hilarious to watch if anyone saw this because a grown adult human was being cautious of a cat walking towards them.

"Baji-san, don't scare our customers!" A guy says as he suddenly appears out of nowhere. You examined his appearance. He had black hair and beautiful bluish-green eyes. 'God, why are all the men I'm seeing hot?' You think to yourself. "Im sorry for Baji. He doesn't normally act like this," the guy says as he picks up the cat and carries it. "It's fine, don't worry." You replied. You looked at the cat. It was glaring at you as if it was suspicious of your presence. You immediately looked away from the cat and looked at the person holding it. "Are you Chifuyu by any chance?" You ask. "Yes, were you looking for me?" Chifuyu replies. "No, I just heard about you from Kazutora when I was looking around." You answered. "Oh, well then what can I help you with?"

"Oh, I was thinking about getting a pet, but I don't really know much about how to take care of one. I was wondering if you could explain to me what I need to get or do?" You ask Chifuyu. "Oh sure, let me just get a paper to write things down." You watched as he put Baji down and walked to the back of the store. You glanced at Baji to see that he was still glaring at you. 'Why is this cat so suspicious of me,' you think, mentally crying.


After conversing with Chifuyu and Kazutora for a while, you realized that it was already late and that you needed to go home. "Thank you for this. You guys were such a great help." You say as you get up from your seat. "No need to thank us," they both say. "But can I have your number? In case you want to buy a pet from our shop," Chifuyu adds. You agreed and gave him your number before walking out the door.

"So, do you know why Baji seems to glare at ___?" Chifuyu asks, looking at Kazutora. "No, but I do think that she may be of some help for us to find Mikey," Kazutora replies, watching your figure slowly grow smaller as you walk farther away from the shop.


As you walk towards the door of your apartment, you slowly realize that someone was leaning on it, and it seemed like they were waiting for someone. The person realized that you were arriving and stopped leaning on the door. "It seems like our hide and seek game must come to an end, for I have found you, darling," the person spoke while grinning. That person was Izana Kurokawa.

To be continued.... 

A Tale To Be Told// Izana Kurokawa x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin