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Your eyes widened at the sight of him. 'What was he doing here? Better yet, HOW DID HE FIND OUT WHERE I LIVE?!' you thought.It seems like Izana could sense your confusion because you could see the tiny smirk on his face. You glared slightly at him. "First, I meet your "servant," and now I meet you. What's next? You're going to kidnap me or something?" You say with a hint of sarcasm in your tone. "Well, that was my initial plan, but I feel like you wouldn't like me anymore if I do that," He admits."I never liked you to begin with." You say, walking past him and unlocking your door. "I can tell, which is why Im here to gain your favor."

You turn back to look at him. "And why do you want to do that?" You ask him. "I already told you before; I want you." He says. "Well, that's unfortunate for you then because I DON'T want you." You say as you enter the door and slam the door on his face. The person reading this may be asking, "Why the fuck did you do that?! Did you forget that he was part of Bonten?!" And to answer that question, you were aware that he is a criminal. You simply just did not care. You walked into your bathroom and proceeded to do your nightly routine.


You were just chilling on the couch, watching a random show, when you suddenly heard the sound of thunder. Almost immediately after that, you hear the sounds of tiny raindrops falling from the sky. You loved watching the rain when you had time, so you decided to shut off your television and withdrew the curtains of your windows. The moment you looked out your window, you almost screamed. 

'WHY WAS HE STILL OUTSIDE?!' You screamed in you head. A thousand questions formed in your head. 'SHOULD YOU LET HIM IN?' He was getting soaked under the rain. 'BUT HE'S A CRIMINAL AND I SHOULDN'T EVEN CARE?' You stare at him from the window for a few seconds. "yeah no Im not helping him." You say looking away.


"Thank you" Izana said as you hand him a towel to dry off. "Why were you still outside?" You ask him. You could see his face turn a faint shade of red before he looked away from you. He mumbled something but you couldnt understand what he was saying. "What??" You asked. Izana sighed before looking at you. "I dont have a ride. My phone is dead and I didnt tell Kakuchou that I would be here." He says. You stared at him for a few seconds before laughing.

Izana looks at you with a dead pan expression as you laugh. "Arent't you supposed to be a yakuza or something? How could you forget to tell your servant?" You ask, while trying to muffle your laughter.

He stares at you for a few seconds before he leans towards you and softly grabs your face. You immediately stoppsed laughing as you could feel your face turning red. "What are you doing?" You ask. "I find it amusing how you are making fun of me while being fully aware that I am a enexcutive of a criminal organisation. I could easily punish you right now for laughing at me." He says. You realized that he has a point and immediate felt the feeling of fear creeping in. "Does this mean you are starting to trust me?" He says, slightly smiling. 

"Absolutely not." You say, smiling. You can see his form slowly turn rigid, and silence ensues. 'Wait.... IS THAT HIS SOUL COMING OUT OF HIS BODY?!' You thought panicking. 


"When are you planning to leave?" You ask him. "You dont want me to stay here?" He asks. "Of course I dont, I dont want people to accuse me of being affiliated with a yakuza." You swore you could see an arrow go straight his body as you said that. You shrugged that thought off. "Well too bad darling, because Im not leaving till tomorrow morning." He says, making him self comfortable on the couch. "WHAT? Who said Im letting you stay here." You complain. "Me and the gun in my pocket." Izana says, smirking. He begins to lay down on the couch and close his eyes.

"Hey, we arent done with this conversation." You said, crossing your arms. You contemplated whether you should smack him on the head with the pillow next to you. Unfortunately, you had to choose the latter if you valued your life. "You arent done with the convo, but I am," he says. "Dont worry I plan to leave by morning. You wont even see me by the time you wake up," he continues. 'That is, if I wake up' You think, completely aware of the living threat that could kill you in your sleep if he wanted to. "Fine, you better be gone by the time I'm up." You say as you walk away from the living room and headed to your bedroom.


When you woke up, you immediately looked around the house. Surprisingly, he actually kept his word and left. Though, why do you feel a bit empty when you realized he was actually gone?

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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