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father ⁉️when ⏲️can 🤔 I 🚶‍♂️leave 🚪 to ⬅️be ✨ on 👇 my 👔 own 💥
🧤 I've 🤘 got 🤝 the 💦 whole 🌎 world ✈️to 🚗 see 👁️🏳️‍🌈 🌈 💅

Also none of you got the Arthur reference

Skipping ahead the tideous process of Raven and Cres trying to convince Crepe to join.

You just need to know the exchange went like this:

Raven: Kid

Creep: Yes?

Raven: Join us in ovethrowing Deez

Creep: What's in it for me?

Cres: Whatever the fuck yiu want

Creepe: Good nuff

Crescent wasn't sure about letting Abyss unattended, especially when the Enchantress has guards literally everywhere, but Abyss convinced Crescent she would be fine on her own as Abyss and Ash negotiate with whoever they can. (Which isn't a lot but good nuff)

This left only 3 main bitches left.

Pomegranate, Licorice and Dark Choco

Admittedly, Pomegranate will be near impossible to convince, Licorice's a 5050 and its not because the author has no clue about his personality

And Dark Choco's gonna be a pain in the ass, maybe easy if you guilt trip him enough.

And this totally isn't foreshadowing to something bad happening later on. Nope, not at all, you know me, Lili is completely trustworthy *wink* *wink*

Once Crescent was back to her girlfriend at a relatively secluded part of the woods, they discussed their next move.

"Ash, you be the bait" Raven said.

"I-... What" Ash was confused.

"You see, we had a plan of you going back to Fire Spirit, temporarily, and trick Dark Enchantress into thinking that you're still Fire Spirit and try to make you... her minion... and you destriy her from the inside out, making it easier for us and the rest to attack. Y'know, you'll be a sort of a mole" Crescent explained. "It's... actually a plan that'll only work because we've been assuming that she's dumb enough to fall for it"

"Oh no, I am NOT going back, don't you have better a better idea?" Ash asked.

"No" Abyss replied.

"..." Ash sighed, tired and defeated. "Fine"

"You'll be fine" Raven reassured him.

"That sounds so reassuring" Ash said sarcastically.

"How're we changing him to Fire Spirit?" Crescent asks. "This really only occured to me"

"There's always Espresso" Raven suggested.

"Smart idea, he probably has a spell" Crescent said.

"Wait, where is he? If he's in the castle then how are we suppose to sneak all 4 of us in without being spotted?" Ash asks.

"Good question... we'll bring him to us, see? Fool proof, let's go bird, no time to lose, I want world domination, I can be the queen of the land and Abyss' the queen of the sea and it'll be a great love story..." Crescent rambled on and on about her ideal world with Abyss as she dragged Raven to the castle by his scarf.

"This sounds like a terrible plan now that she said it out loud" Abyss whispered.

"Her being queen or me being flaming?" Ash asks.

"Second one" Abyss replied "Oh well, we just gotta... wait and pray to..." Abyss realises she has no idea who to pray to because god would be weird.

"...Dad?" Ash suggested.

Denial || RavenAshHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin