Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

9 November, Year 658

Central Eulir, 15:12 - Dakota Carton

Life in the Raid Force was far more interesting that whatever life my parents had originally planned out for me. I had already been pretty sure of that, but it was pleasant knowing I could now confirm it. Each soldier was assigned a partner through some sort of electronic system. The generals never told us if it was by who was more compatible by skill or by mental status--or maybe if we were supposed to be opposites-but either way, Celia and I ended up being partners. The two of us did not see much of the Vega brothers, as we expected, but we occasionally found holes in our schedule for meals or catching up on the happenings of other half of the military.

As of now, I was in the mess hall eating a late lunch with Riley and Graham, waiting for Celia to get here. Greg, who I have unfortunately seen quite a bit of, was having some trouble sorting rations or something simple like that, so Celia offered to help out his substandard soul. Poor thing. I have such pity for him. It is simply heartbreaking.

"So have you heard the rumors about the Raid Force patch yet? You've been in it for a while, so I'm sure some older soldiers've brought it up," Riley questioned while scooping a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

I raised an eyebrow, trying to ignore his indecent image. "A rumor about the patch? No, I do not believe I have heard anything about that. What is it?"

"Allegedly the main shape stitched into it is the symbol for a bridge. The three circles bordering each side was added in to make it more discreet and intricate at the same time." Riley shrugged and mumbled, "Or so I hear. I'm no fashion designer."

"You mean to say it represents what would be printed onto a bridge sign?" I asked. "I have to say, I have never heard that one before."

Graham stifled a chuckled and added in, "People say the creator of the RF had a bridge fetish. That, or there's a bridge beyond the walls that holds something of significance. Gold, maybe? Diamonds?"

Celia finally jogged into the mess hall, but something was clearly wrong. Her face was flushed an incarnadine and Greg trailed close behind her, a worried expression plastered over his face.

"Guys, get up. We have to go," Celia ordered.

"What's going on?" Riley asked.

"Questions later, dearest. There's not much time before-"

A siren cut off the girl's words in a deafening wail and gave my nerves a jolt. Greg sighed, seemingly annoyed that they could not efficiently send the message, and muttered, "That." But an alarm was an alarm, so the five of us sprinted out of the mess hall, hands on our guns, and headed out to the streets. Never before had I heard the shrieking signal echo off the walls of our pearly, blanched city. As I have mentioned before, the Eulirian government likes to keep everything low key and under control. Believe me, though, everything was all but stable when we finally burst through the entrance of our base.

Now would be a satisfactory time to inform you that things have been a little off today. The morning mist did not blanket out city at ten-hundred this morning, nor did it arrive at any later period. For the first time since the walls were built, it just never came. I suppose you could say that it was here now at last, but there was a reason the dusty sirens continued to screech. It hung low in the crisp air, its new charcoal color drifting along an invisible conveyor belt.

"What is that?" Greg mumbled.

None of us had an answer. All we could do was stare up in awe at the thick, dark fog. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I could see some of it condense, or grow darker in color or something. It slowly floated upwards, encircling Greg, until it jolted into his mouth all at once, pulling him down into the cylinder of darkness it had created.

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