Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

14 May, Year 655

East Caspian, 09:22 - Rei Marcotte

At this point, I guess I was considered an adult. It was time for me to sign my name on a piece of paper and sell my soul to the government. My dreams would have to be cut down to those few hours of unconsciousness while the sun was in hiding, and my explorations would have to cease for as long as my heart continued beating. But, really, I wasn't ready to give those up. I don't think I ever will be, either. Even when my bones are as frail as a glass vase and my hands permanently and distinctly shake, I know for a fact my eyes will shine as bright as ever, hungry to indulge on the delicacies the world has to offer; the surges of frothy water bluer than the endless sky; the canopies of leaves as green as ten miles of grass; the meadows of flowers humming with the gentle buzz of bees flying in the air. One day, I would be able to see the mysterious and forbidden secrets of freedom with my own eyes.

The closest way to avoiding my adult responsibilities would be by joining the military, specifically the Falcon Squad. They were the ones who would hunt for food, gather resources, and travel along trade routes in the name of Caspian by going outside of the walls at least once a week. Even at that rate, though, I'd never be able to reach the freedom I yearned for. We were afraid, us Caspites. The thought of expansion terrifies us. The thought of what lurks in the unknown strikes fear into everyone's heart. No one dared to bring up the idea of finding ourselves, of inviting the enemy in and discovering where we lay in the world, if there really was one out there. Instead, we praised the one hundred foot brick walls that kept us separated from all unknown terrors. We were safe with it. Ignorant and afraid, but safe.

"What're you doing up here, Marcotte?"

Ah, finally. I was wondering when I'd hear his exasperated sigh. It's been a while since I've beat him to his post--he's usually out here by the crack of dawn. Of course, I didn't mind the extra dozen minutes of staring at the emerald trees that stretched as far as the eye could see. They swarmed my entire view except for a small wall very much alike to the one surrounding Caspian, but a pearly white. It created the home of Eulir, around two hours away by foot and filled with those privileged enough to never work a single day in their lifetime. However stuck-up the citizens may be, Eulir's presence made me feel less alone.

The muffled clicking of shoes inched closer to where I was sitting, so with one final inhale of the fresh forest breeze, I lifted my dangling legs from the side of the wall. Rather than turn all the way around, though, I sat along the length of the top of the wall, my back pressed against the machicolation and my knees pressed to my chest. Who knows, maybe he'd let me stay here just a while longer?

"Mornin', Lucas," I grinned at him.

I was pleasantly surprised at how his eyes were like strips of leaves and how his hair seemed to reflect the color of the sun. It was always more impressive looking when it was closest to nature itself, unlike on the dirty grounds of Caspian.

"Rei, you know I hate seeing you up here," he frowned. He slipped his left arm under my knees and his right arm behind my lower back so he could lift me up off the edge. "You're not allowed to be up here, and I don't want someone informing me that you fell off the edge because you wanted to see a bird closer up!"

"Aw, c'mon, I'm not that dumb!" I whined. "I just can't believe you get to stay up here all day!"

"Trust me, you get used to it after being up here for six years. Literally all they are, are trees. As of now, you're not in the military, so you're not allowed to-"


Lucas briskly returned my feet to the ground and scrambled to compose himself. He swung his arm upwards to salute General Zonen, who was approaching us. My plan was to look reasonably attentive and innocent, but Lucas nearly whacked my nose off while acknowledging the general, which left me staggering to regain my balance. That being said, I don't think I made the best impression.

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