Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

3 April, Year 660

North-Eastern Campsite, 9:03 - Rei Marcotte

I don't know if it was Captain Wrenne's poor planning skills or Alice's unnecessary excitement that got us out here at such an inconvenient time, but word just got to Ryder that we were already scheduled to go back to town in a week. Apparently the press wanted to catch our word before we officially set out into the wilderness, but Wrenne wanted us to get a taste of what it was like out here so we could answer any questions about our situation easier. Or, that's what we collectively agreed on. He probably just forgot.

And Eulir, of all places! Sure, I've always wanted to go there, but I don't know how I'll be able to handle the conformality now that I've had a taste of freedom. I could climb a tree if I wanted. I could dance in rivers if I found one. I could shout as loud as I could until the earth crumbled and rocks split in half and no one would care. No one would stop me. But those Eulirians. God, they would hate me.

"Hey Rei, we're heading out." Riley poked his head through the flaps of my tent. "Kote told me to ask if you wanted to come along?"

"Oh, he spoils me," I mischievously grinned. "I'll be out in a sec, alright? I just gotta get my stuff together."

"No problem. I'll wait out here."

Most soldiers brought some things with them whenever they left camp: a Petrifier, since going out without that would be suicide, and maybe some extra matches and a granola bar shoved in their pockets. But I formed a habit at a very young age, understanding that as long as I hung around Lucas, I may have to occupy myself on a whim. So everyday I would stuff my burlap backpack with a sketchbook, pencils, a camera, and "A Guide to Living in the Wilderness." I was the only kid on the block who stuck her nose in a book, yet my mom thought I did it for far too long.

I didn't expect to see Riley waiting for me a couple feet outside of my tent since his brother made it clear that he wasn't fond of me. Of course it was obvious that Riley was a ray of sunshine and Graham a brick wall, but the older brother had this controlling sense about him, I figured he would've warned Riley about me throughout the year. Yet for all I know, he may have only been distracted. His turquoise eyes were narrowed and focused on something in the distance, something beyond the camp.

"Hey, uh, I'm ready," I announced to him.

His head jerked towards me as if he didn't think someone so close would be talking to him. "Oh, alright. Let's go. I think they went in this direction?"

"Okay," I uncomfortably nodded. "So I'm not being a nuisance to you guys or anything, right? Everyone's fine with me coming along?"

"Graham's our escort since he's one of our corporals, but I'm sure he'll get over having you around. You won't be more of a nuisance than me."

"Why would you say that?" I asked while crinkling my eyebrows.

He shrugged. "I don't know, I think the two of us are pretty similar. If you think you could be a nuisance, then I'm sure I have that ability, too."

Just beyond the ring of torches stood two soldiers as tall as trees, glancing at their wrists every couple of seconds. They were the only two out there, although I'm not sure what everyone else was doing at the moment. When Riley and I were only several feet away, the other two soldiers noticed us and Graham gave Kote an exasperated look that read, "Please tell me you didn't."

"You're here with us, Marcotte?" he groaned. "You better not be planning on holding us back."

"Me? Of course not! If anything, I'll be running ahead of you guys!" I laughed, attempting to not take his decrease in enthusiasm personally.

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