Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

11 April, Year 660

Ithene, 2:30 - Lucas Ackworth

"Um, Corporal Ackworth? I'm really sorry, but you have to get up now. Sir? We're leaving for your other camp."

Something that felt like a child's hand pressed onto the side of my ribcage, almost successfully shifting my body a couple of inches to the edge of my bed. I cracked an eye open to see the new girl awkwardly pushing at my side like it was a dead bug on her new olive jacket.

"Is that you trying to push me out of my cot?" I drowsily smirked.

Her eyes shot open and her hand retreated. "I-I'm sorry, I wasn't going to let you actually fall on the floor or anything..."

"Believe me, I wasn't worried. I'm just wondering how much muscle we're gonna have to put on you. You're... ah, what's your name?" I asked.

"Uh, Teajan," she muttered as a blush climbed across her freckles.

"Well, that's... peculiar. Listen, I'm not great with names, so I'm just gonna call you Tea, alright? I should be able to manage that."

"Yeah, sure, whatever's easiest for you," she nodded through a small grin.

A second soldier popped his head into the room and cleared his throat. "Are you still in here, Corporal?"

"Yeah, I'm on my way out!" I called while silently falling out of my cot and pulling on some pants. "Is that you, Connor? How're you doing?"

"I'm doing well, sir," the voice returned. "And how's your mission going?"

"Hasn't been horrible. Nothing tragic has happened, at least."

"That's good to hear." As I approached the door with my bag and Tea, he then asked, "And Rei? She's doing fine, too?"

I raised an eyebrow. "You haven't any time to ask her yourself?"

Connor rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled, "Ah, she doesn't want to hear that kind of stuff from me. Plus, I know you two are close. I'd appreciate your perspective, sir. If I asked, she'd probably lie."

With an amused sigh, I shrugged and told him, "She's having as much fun as she can out there. I, um... well, you know how she is. Can be a little annoying at times. But she's been a big help, believe it or not. Hasn't messed up too bad yet." He didn't look too convinced, so I added, "I'll keep her in line, don't worry."

"Alright, well, thanks," he nodded. Connor cleared his throat and continued, "You should probably get to the rest of your division now. You've got an hour's walk back to camp."

The rookie looked apprehensive as the words "hour's walk" left Connor's mouth, so I explained, "We don't like attracting Shadows to our camp, so we try to make as little commotion as we can. You'll get used to it in due time."

"But why don't trucks drive us halfway there? Isn't that why we have them?" she wondered.

"It's a waste of gas. We're soldiers and we don't complain," I answered, not exactly having a better reason. "You'll learn to work with what you get."

Truthfully, I wasn't too sure about her. Maybe she was a fine person, but a soldier? I couldn't see it. I'd give her the benefit of the doubt and blame it on her poor people skills. All I could hope was that Wrenne wasn't drunk when he gave her an official PR tag.

North-Eastern Campsite, 05:45 - Rei Marcotte

I had been awake for a while, several hours after everyone had turned in for the night. For some reason, I couldn't fall asleep in these forests. I'd get tired, yes, but never relaxed enough to sleep for several hours straight. There was always something waking me up: a particularly strong breeze, a couple of owls hooting to each other, maybe even a cackle or two from a Shadow. There was always something.

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