Ch. 6

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(Dean's ring name will be only used when he's in the ring other than that he will be called Jon.)

Melanie got off and waited for Jon to get off to give him back his keys.

Jon stumbled out of the passenger seat and grabbed his keys from Melanie.

"I will walk you to your door." He burped and covered mouth quickly.

"Thank you, but I think that you should get going." Melanie tried not to laugh.

"Okay." He grinned.

"Or you know what? Come with me inside. I'll make you some coffee." Tries to grab his hand.

"No I'm fine. I'll make it to my hotel." He drunkly laughed and hugged her before getting in his car.

Melanie thought for a second the stopped Jon before he could close the car door. "Jon, wait!"

"Yeah?" He hiccuped.

"Um, wait here." She unlocked the door and sped inside and up the stairs to get a piece of paper and pen then wrote her number on it. She then ran back out and handed the paper to Jon who had a puzzled expression, but then raised his eyebrows at her as he looked at the number.

"Before you say anything. It's not what it you think it is."

"Melanie, I'm drunk but not stupid." He laughed taking the piece of paper and putting it in his jacket pocket.

"I just want you to call me when you get back to your hotel. Please?" She shyly smiled.

"Sure." Was all he said before leaving. Melanie went inside and sighed.

"That was a long sigh." Asher raised his eyebrows as he looked at Melanie. "Care to explain?"

"Just a long night, that's all."  Melanie smiled. "Where's-

"Brie Mode!!!" Brie came out of the restroom shouting.

Melanie looked at Asher, "care to explain?"

"While you were out with Ambrose, who knows where, Brie, Paige, and some other divas and superstars invited Shan and I to the club and we continued to party here, just that everyone left and Brie doesn't have a ride, so I offered to drop her off at her hotel since she's a little you know." He whispered the last part.

"Oh ok, um, where's Shannon?" She asked.

"In her room, she's getting some vip tickets for the next Texans game. I'm gonna go drop of Brie. Bye." Asher grabbed Brie by her arm as he opened the door.

"Hey, could you text me if Dean is there. I'm guessing all the superstars are staying at the same hotel. He has a black Dodge Charger. Just check if its there and text me."

"Yeah sure. See you in a bit. C'mon Brie." They left and Melanie made her way to Shannon's room and knocked.

"Come in!"

"Hey how did it go?" Shannon asked looking up from her laptop. Melanie told her everything. "So was he call that slutty bitch?"

"I don't know. I hope not." Melanie shrugged. "I'm gonna go take off my bracelet." She place her hand on her left wrist and gasped.

"What's wrong?" Shannon looked at her worried.

" bracelet!" Melanie searched around the room.

"What about it?" Shannon printed out some papers.

"It's gone! Wait, no, it can't be gone, I must've dropped it!" She went out the room looking for it with tears about to burst out. Shannon decided to follow.

"What's so important about that bracelet?!"

"My brother gave it to me before he you know..." She sat down sad. "I'm pretty sure I had it wit me all the time." 

"Unless you dropped it off in Dean's, I mean, Jon's car."

Melanie stood up. "You're right!" She then got sad again. "But there's one tiny problem." She pressed her lips together in a thin line.

Shannon sighed. "What?"

"I didn't ask for his number. I just gave him mine..."

"Why not??" Shannon placed her hand on her eyes.

"Um Shan, that's creepy!"

"No it's not."

"Yeah, it is."

"Whatever, anyways, how are you gonna get it back?"

"Well, I did ask Asher to check if his car is there when he dropped off Brie."


"Because he was in a not so stable condition to be driving..."

"You mean, in and unstable condition." Shannon laughed uncontrollably. Melanie just blinked at her as Shannon cached her breath.

"Okay so, we're just gonna wait until Asher texts me or Jon, if he doesn't forget. Then I'll ask for the hotel and then we get my bracelet." Both girls sat on the couch and turned on the TV and waited for either text message.

I know, boring chapter, but anyways, I think I might update every Tuesday...I might update the next chapter this week maybe tomorrow after NXT or someday after, maybe Friday. Idk. Just wait for it.

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