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Melanie immediately got off and rushed inside as the moving guys where taking the last things from Shannon's bedroom.

"Shannon! Why are you doing this? Let's talk!"

"No, I'm not letting you tell me how to live my life, dating JJ finally came true, just like you and Dean are! I'm happy for you and you can't be happy for me?"

"Shannon it's not like that, in not dating Dean, yet. Yes we have kissed but we aren't a thing yet. You're taking this way too fast with JJ. You need to calm down and take your time."

Shannon rolled her eyes. "Again, you're not my mother to tell me what to do." She then grabs her bags and walks towards the door."

"What about wrestling, is being tag team partners?"

Shannon stopped walking but didn't look back as her voice cracks. "You're gonna have to continue by yourself." She then immediately leaves.

Melanie stood there in shock and walked over to her sofa not knowing how else to react as Jody jumped on and layer on her lap as Melanie started crying.

*with Jon*

"I'm getting a little worried" Jon said not taking his eyes of of his phone.

"Deano, you seem obsessed with this girl, I'm sure she's fine and went to sleep." Colby said as he paused the video game he was playing.

"I would say he isn't obsessed, that sounds creepy. Maybe he just cares enough for her." Joe added.

"Well from what you told us, that Melody chick is his fan so she's probably the one obsessed with him." Xavier laughed.

"Her name is Melanie and no one is obsessed with anyone, I'm just concerned that's all." Jon sighed.

"What I can't believe is that you kissed her without dating her or you two being a couple" Xavier snickered. "That's not like you."

"I don't know why but it's like I feel some kind of spark, like she's the one and that there's no messing around with her." Jon ran a hand through his hair.

"Well she is pretty hot especially when she's angry, damn when I bumped into her, I swear I would've stayed and made a move on her if I wasn't in a hurry." Colby smirked then opened his mouth to say something but was cut off  by Jon.

"Rollins, I swear if you continue I'm gonna smack your head onto the window." Jon gritted his teeth warning him.

"Alright you two stop it." Joe looked at them annoyed.

"I can't wait until she calls me, I need to know how everything went with her and her friend." He got up and walked to the room across from the suite and dialed her number. "Please answer, please."

M: hello? She wipes her tears.
J: hey pretty lady, everything alright
M: Sh-Shannon, left...
J: Woah, what?! Melanie then explains. Are you ok?
M: Ambrose, how do you expect me to be ok after my best friend left me for someone she barely even knows?
J: alright calm down, breathe, look I know I'm all the way in New Jersey, but I'll get you a private jet or something to bring you over.
M: Jon you can't do that, plus where do I leave my dog?
J: yes I can and you can bring it. I just don't want you falling into depression or something, I know what it's like.
M: Jon...
J: ok look be at the airport in an hour or so and I'll be waiting for you over at the airport here.
M: Jon, no.
J: I'm not taking no as an answer. He then hangs up.

Melanie sighed and got up. "Oh god." She picks up Jody and puts him in his cage and packs her bags, then heads to the airport after.

HEEEEEEEEYYYYY!!! Yes, I know I said I was probably not gonna continue it but all of a sudden I got inspiration haha, well here it is and I know this chapter was boring af  but at least I wrote something. Next chapter there might be a bit of drama and possibly a little fight (jk), but there will be drama. Anyways even if the chapter was boring, I hope you guys liked it.

Xoxo, c.f.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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