Ch. 3

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A tall figured with two-toned hair stood over Melanie. Seth Rollins.

"I'm so sorry." She tried to getting up but fell back.

Seth rolled his eyes. "Just watch where you're going next time." He then left right away.

Melanie got up and dusted herself off. "How rude, he didn't even help me up." She felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around and looked surprised seeing who it was.

"Don't mind him, he just got into an argument with someone over the phone." Roman Reigns smirked at Melanie who was still starring at him with wide eyes. "Don't kill me now." He chuckled. She finally blinked and smiled.

"Hi, by the looks of it, you might already know me, anyways, I'm Roman, but you can call me Joe, Joseph, or whatever you like." He extended his hand to her. She shook it and smiled.

"I'm Melanie, but everyone calls me Mels." He laughed. "What's so funny?"

"I have never heard someone call anyone Mels." He kept laughing.

She laughed a little thinking about it. "Yeah, I don't really like it, but I got used to it."

"Melanie is fine for me right now." He stood up from the stool as Dean joined in the conversation.

"I can see you have already met my beautiful girl." He glanced over at Melanie and gave her a cheeky smile.

Melanie's smile formed a frown remembering how he yelled at her. She didn't like that, neither the way he had just called her his. "I'm not your girl ok?!" She walked away fast so he wouldn't catch up.

"The hell was that?" Roman scratched his head. "Did you do something to her Dean?" He asked confused.

"I'll explain later. Right now I need to go talk to her." Dean took off walking fast the same direction Melanie went.

"Wow not even a see you later?" Roman talked to himself.

*With Melanie*

Melanie spotted Shannon doing some moves with Paige, Brie Bella & AJ Lee and went up to them.

"Um, hey Shan." She shyly waved.

"Mels! What are you doing here?" She hugged her, practically squeezed her.

"Aren't you gonna present her to us?" Paige, Brie and AJ said in unison.

"There's no need to she already knows you guys. But Paige, Brie, AJ, this is Melanie, you can call her Mels. She's my best friend and she's a huge fan of you guys." All three of them went up to her and hugged her.

"Who are you running away from?" AJ joked. "Umm..." Melanie looked at them nervous.

"Yeah, who are you running away from Melanie?" Shannon raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, I'll tell you guys, but don't tell anyone." Melanie looked at her feet.

"We were kidding, but talk." Shannon folded her arms.

"It's Dean Ambrose." All three of them gasped.

"Did he do something to you before the cameras went back on air? Did he try to kiss you? Try to take advantage you? Strangle you?" Brie talked fast.

"Wait, you're the girl that attended him?" Shannon said surprised.

"How do you guys know?" Melanie got stunned.

"We all saw over the many tv's backstage. " Paige shrugged her shoulders.

"But that's not important. Why are you running away from Ambrose?" Shannon waved her hands in the air confused.

"Well after I attended him, we took him backstage and they left me alone with him. I didn't know where to go or what to do so I checked him again, then I stared at him, he woke up and we talked, then he yelled at me and I got mad and walked away, then I bumped into Seth Rollins and then Roman Reigns taped my shoulder. I talked to him and then minutes later Dean came and told him I was his girl and I got mad because it made me feel like he was calling me his property. So I left walking fast so he wouldn't catch up and that's when I spotted you guys and you know the rest." She cached her breath.

"Wow." Paige, Brie, and AJ blinked a couple of times.

"You had quite a journey." Shannon laughed.

Melanie looked over Brie's shoulder at Dean who was going over to her. "Oh no, he's coming again. Well got to go, bye." She was about to leave when Shannon pulled her back.

"No, no, no. You're not going anywhere." Melanie sighed in frustration.

Dean went up to them. "Hello ladies and hello my love." Dean gave a smile to Melanie.

"Hey Ambrose!" They all said except for Melanie who replied annoyed.

"For your information,my name is Melanie and I'm not your love or your girl r whatever." She rolled her eyes as sheade colons in the air. Any girl would love to hear him call them that, especially myself. But I can't stop being in a bad mood with him. Maybe it's my period - She thought to herself.

"That's a beautiful name, as beautiful as you." He blew her a kiss and winked.

"Now don't scare her away, Dean." Paige giggled and hugged Melanie.

"Oh, I did that, and twice." They all laughed at Dean's comment. Melanie just glared at him annoyed.

"Oh come on Melanie, laugh a little." AJ hugged her.

"Eh, don't worry AJ, I think she's a bittered and unhumorous person." Dean looked at Melanie curious to se what she would do.

"You can say that again." Shannon laughed making everyone laugh again. Melanie didn't last one second and ran frustrated.

"Oh Mels! Come on, it's a joke!" Shannon started going after her.

"Don't worry, I'll go. I started all, of this anyway." Dean patted Shannon's back and ran not loosing Melanie out of his sight.














Oh Melanie, why do you have to keep running away. Tell your period to control itself. Lol

Finally an update! Comment and vote!

Xoxo, c.f.

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