Ch. 7

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Jon got to the hotel and opened the door but something shiny by the passanger seat caught his eye.

"What the? A bracelet?" He grabbed it and looked at the letters that were carved in the gold bracelet. He walked towards the doors reading the carvings. "Er-Erick Bry-" He squinted his eyes to read all of it better. "Erick Bry-" Asher had bumped into him before he could read the rest.

"Woah, watch where you are going buddy." Jon laughed as he placed the bracelet in his jeans' pocket.

"Sorry...woah Dean Ambrose!"

"Yeah, that's supposed to be me." Jon laughed. "Hey I think I saw you earlier at the show, Ashton right?" He extended his hand.

Asher shook it. "Asher, and yes sir."

"My bad."

"Its alright umm, my friend Melanie, was with you earlier on a date, I guess you can call it that, she wanted to see if you came to your hotel in good conditions. You see she asked me to text her just in case I saw your car here or something, but my phone has no battery anymore. Would you mind calling her? She worries a lot." Asher chuckled. "Do you have her number?"

Jon smirked. "Yes I do, I have it right here." He took out the piece of paper from his jeans' pocket. "I'll make sure to call her."

"Cool, thanks bro, have a nice night."

"You too man." They shook hands and they walked their own ways.

Jon got to his hotel room and dialed the number from the paper.

Xx: hello?
J: Melanie, it's me, Jon-
Xx: Melanie? Jon? What Jon?
J: um, Jon, as in Dean Ambrose, the one that went to eat with you and was disturbed by that slutty waitress, Daphne or whatever her name is.
Xx: Hey! What the h-...oh hey Jon, what's up?
J: I just want to let you know that I came back to my hotel safely and also I found a bracelet, I think its yours..."
Daphne: *silence*
J: Mels are you there?
Daphne: oh yes! Sorry honey...can I go pick it up?
J: yeah sure, I'm not gonna sleep anytime soon since I'm still sorta drunk.
Daphne: sorta drunk you say? *an evil grin spread on her face*
J: yeah, pretry sure I said that.
Daphne: ok I'll be right over just give me the hotel and your room number and floor.
J: ok *he gives her everything* by they way last night was fun.
Daphne: *hangs up*

Daphne was smiling from ear to ear as she grabbed her keys and left.

Oh no..
As promised here's the chapter. Also sorry that is super short, its 1am and I'm already falling asleep. Sorry about that but next chapter will be much better and hopeful longer.


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