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Kazutora and hakkai!

You're currently in the waiting room waiting to hear about hakkai and mitsuya because souya is already sitting on your lap asleep with a cast on his foot
It was so cute he was hugging your arm and his soft snores were so cute you had to take a picture for this beautiful moment

Though you had the cutest child in the world napping on your lap you were still bored "wait I never visited kazutora" you said to your self as you carried souya and walked to the front desk once you got there you stood in front of the man in the desk

He looked up at you finally noticing your presence "How may I help you ma'am" he said politely, you took a deep breath and spoke "What room is kazutora hanemiya in?" you said softly

The male went onto his computer and searched the name "room 304 on the 3rd floor ma'am" he said pointing to the stair case, you nodded and said a small thank you before making your way up the stairs

Walking around the third floor you looked
"300...301...302...303.......304!" you said the last number happily and immediately shut your mouth remembering that souya asleep you looked down at his sleeping figure "my sweet little cotton candy boy" you chuckled a the nickname you gave him

You looked at the door and opened to see kazutora reading a book you smiled at him softly
He looked up at you and smiled brightly "Y/n you're here!" he said happily only to be shushed by you
He looked confused and then nodded when you pointed at the sleeping souya

You quickly layed souya down on the tiny couch tha was next to kazutora's hospital bed you put your sweater on him as a blanket you turned to kazutora and hugged him and he hugged back happily

"Hi y/n-chan I missed you" kazutora said happily as a small blush tinted on his face, you smiled happily "I missed you to banana head" you chuckled "hey!" he whisper shouted before crossing his arms and glaring playfully

"I'm kidding! Besides your the only one I know who can pull off banana hair" you said teasingly and playfully messed up his hair, he blushed before hitting your shoulder playfully and you simply giggled

You felt a tug on your pants and looked down to see souya "y-y/n can you carry me please" souya blushed and held his hands in the air wanting to be picked up

Your eyes sparkled in excitement 'OMG SO CUTE' you thought to your self and picked him up he wrapped his arms around your neck and layed his head on your shoulders and wrapped his legs around you like a koala

You sat down next to kazutora and he hugged your arm and layed down you smiled softly even though inside you were dyeing of a cuteness overload

"Hey kazu" you called out to him only to be met with slight snores 'hes asleep' you thought as you smiled
You pat his head "I'll be back soon alright" you said as you left the room while souya was still latched onto you like a koala

You made your way down to the second floor where
Hakkai's room was you walked over and saw a nurse by it, you walked over to the nurse "uhm miss am I able to see him-?" You said nicely "who are you-?"
The nurse asked "I'm his mother" you said confidently "you look a bit young to have children"
The lady said

"I really am his mother ma'am" you said worried that she wouldn't let you see him, suddenly she realized souya latched onto you making her realize "Oh! I am so sorry miss you can go in" she said in surprise and let you in

You walked into the room and saw hakkai with bandages all over his face, you walked over to him "hello my blueberry" you greeted him in a soft tone
"Oh hi y/n" hakkai said with a smile "the nurse l-lady says I'll be released tomorrow" hakkai said happily

You pat his head softly to make sure you don't hurt him "thats good to hear hakkai im glad" you said softly "mhm!" hakkai hummed in agreement
"I know I wasn't here long but I have to check ob mitsuya alright" you said as your stood up

He looked a bit sad "alright see you tomorrow y/n"
"See you tomorrow my blueberry" you walked out the room

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