What toman likes about you

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He genuinely loves you and wants more moments with you he absolutely loves your cooking and loves when you make rice or spaghetti tho he wishes you knew how to make taiyaki

He loves having you around your his parent figure
And in his eyes your his actual mom, he loves your cooking and loves helping you cook

Like mikey he loves your cooking and he loves and hates that you keep him out of trouble and in all honesty he loves when you cradle him or rock him to sleep in your arms

He hopes you never leave him and he loves being held by you, he loves when you take him out to see cats at a pet shop and he loves that you take care of baji

He loves your presence just never admits it hes glad that he has someone like you to protect him but he hates that he can't protect you because hes stuck in the body of an 8 year old

He loves how you protect everyone from the smallest things hes happy he has someone like you, he loves you personality and he thinks its cute when you get excited when someone calls you mom

Pah and peh
This duo absolutely loves you and they love how you try to convince them that there not idiots, they love your cooking and they love your personality and your inventions intrest them alot

Like sanzu he doesn't admit that he loves your presence, he likes your cooking and hopes he can soend time with you more, he loves that you protected sanzu that day

He loves your clothing style and he thinks your wife material, he would ask for your hand in marriage if he wasn't stuck in an 8 yr old body, he loves your hugs and kisses and loves when you let him watch movies with you

Even though he is a bit shy around you he absolutely loves you he's just afraid to admit it, he thinks your really cool and he loves when you tell hin everything is gonna be okay he loves getting head pats from you
And hes to shy ti admit that he loves when you give him kisses

He likes getting kisses from you and he is not afraid to admit that he loves your attention, he loves baking and cooking with you and he loves that you protect his younger brother at times

He loves your hugs and he loves when you carry him
In his opinion he wishes his leg could stay broken just so you can stay by his side

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