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Hanging out with the quiet ones

You decided you would leave the kids watching a movie while you try to get the quiet children to speak to you by hanging out with them, the quiet ones or the ones who never speak to you are them


They were all lined up looking at you in confusion,
You smiled softly, "okay so today y'all are hanging out with me" you said having a huge grin on your face, they groaned in disapointment making you deadpan

You started waving your hands everywhere frantically "h-hey don't be like that its gonna be fun I swear!" you said practically crying

You sighed "cmon it'll be fun!" you said trying to convince them

After about 30 minutes they finally agreed but rindo said you had to let him bring is palkia plushie, you didn't want him to loose it but you ended up giving in you really wanted to get along with them

-timeskip to outside-

You smiled brightly "alright so we are ginna get some ice cream alrighty" you said as you looked at them, they agreed with 0 hesitation, alright nice you started walking with them to the ice cream truck

You stopped "alright y'all wait here ima get the ice cream!" you said with a smile, they all nodded as they watched you run over to the ice cream truck

Your pov

"Can I have 2 vanilla's 3 chocolates and 3 cookies and cream and 1 mint chocolate chip" you said happily and waited for the man to serve the ice cream

I turned around and saw a tall male holding sanzu's arm, My blood started to boil as I saw sanzu trying to pry his arm from the older males grip

I immediately ran as fast as a I could and landed a punch on the older males face, this caused his grip to loosen and release sanzu's arm the male layed on the floor holding the side of his face

He looked at me in pain and glared he stood up and was about to hit me but I immediately dodge and sent him flying with another punch which knocked him out

I grabbed sanzu's hand and looked at the others "come on" I said in a serious tone, they all listened and started following you to the ice cream truck

You payed for the ice cream and you all went to the park where you all ate ice silently, you took a deep breath and you were about to apologize about what happened earlier but sanzu stopped you by giving you a hug

You hugged him back confused "thank you" was all he said before sitting back down and eating his ice cream, you sat there for a bit, you smiled brightly in happiness, at least one of them is warming up to you

You stood up and cleaned your face with a napkin
Everyone else was done with there ice cream to,
You walked up to kokonoi and looked him in the eyes, you tapped his shoulder and ran off "TAG"
You shouted in the distance

He took a moment to process and then realized, he stood up and tapped inupi's shoulder and ran "TAG YOUR IT" he shouted while sticking out his tounge

Inupi looked at the others and the all immediately ran, he chased down rindo and tapped his shoulder
"Your it" he said bluntly

Rindo huffed in annoyance before tagging mucho and running off, mucho ran after sanzu and shion
They both ran with each other try not to get caught

Shion ended up getting tagged which caused sanzu to jump on mucho's back and mucho ran away from shion while sanzu held on to his back for dear life

Taiju was running away from shion with izana
Shion tagged izana and izana chased after you like a dog chasing a squirrel, you screeched "GAWD DAYUM YOU FAST AS HELL" you shouted in a surprised tone

He smiled at your comment before jumping on your back "TAG" he shouted as he slapped your neck
You held you neck in pain "AH" you screeched in pain

Izana smiled and puffed out his chest in victory, you smiled and lifted him up "izana has caught me bow to king izana peasants" you said jokingly, but izana smiled victoriously, he pat your had multiple times
"Yes and you are my queen" he said, though you thought he was joking

Unkown to you he was being serious and purposely made it seem like a joke

In the end of the day you all laughed and had alot of fun but the sun was setting so you all headed home
You had a sleeping izana and a sleeping seishu in your arms

Inupi yawned and opened his eyes a bit "I had fun, thank you" he said before shutting his eyes and falling asleep once again, everyone else agreed with him and gave you a hug

Unkown to you it was the first tume they all acted like kids in a long time and they were really great full you did this for them and they hoped they could hang out with you again.

A gang of kids?! Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon