Freddy Kruger

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Welcome to my world, bitch! „
~ Freddy's catchphrase

" ♪1, 2, Freddy's coming for you.♪ ♪3, 4, better lock your door.♪ ♪5, 6, grab your crucifix.♪ ♪7, 8, gonna stay up late.♪ ♪9, 10, never sleep again.♪ „
~ Freddy Krueger's haunting nursery rhyme, as sung by his countless dead child victims.

" My children. From the very beginning, it was the children who gave me my power. The Springwood Slasher, that's what they called me. My reign of terror was legendary. Dozens of children would fall by my blades. Then the parents of Springwood came for me. Taking justice into their own hands. When I was alive, I might have been a little naughty, but after they killed me, I became something much, much worse. The stuff nightmares are made of. The children still feared me and their fear gave me the power to invade their dreams. And that's when the fun REALLY began. „
~ The story of Freddy Krueger being told by Freddy himself, in Freddy vs Jason.

Frederick Charles Krueger (born September, 1942) is a serial killer and the titular main antagonist of the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, and the crossover film Freddy vs Jason.

He was a child killer in life, and in death, a malevolent dream demon who killed his victims in their dreams, often by torturing them to death, having gotten his powers from the three original Dream Demons. He eventually became well-known for the sick pleasure he displays while targeting children.

He was portrayed by Robert Englund, who also voiced the Riddler in The Batman and Anti-Pops in Regular Show.


Full Name
Frederick Charles Krueger
Freddy Krueger
Fred Krueger
Mr. Krueger
The Springwood Slasher
Bastard Son of 100 Maniacs
Son of 100 Maniacs
The Dream Master
Super Freddy
The Boogeyman
Nightmare on Elm Street
A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise
Power plant technician at BRT (formerly)
Serial killer
Dream master (formerly)
Dream demon
Powers / Skills
His razor-sharp clawed Glove
Superhuman strength
Efialtiskinesis/nightmare control
Pyrokinesis/fire manipulation
High intelligence
Invulnerability (in the dream world)
Immortality (so long as he stays in dream world)
Soul absorption (by killing his victim)
Torture methodology
Murder methods
Killing people.
Invading and warping the dreams of the living.
Kill the children of all of the parents of Springwood, as revenge for them bullying him, taking his daughter away, and burning him alive (succeeded, excluding one).
Keep killing people within dreams and collecting souls to gain strength (succeeded, until his own daughter stopped him).
Get revenge on his adopted father for all of the abuse that he gave him (succeeded).
Kill his daughter to get revenge on her for telling on him (failed).
Kill his rival Jason Voorhees (Freddy vs. Jason; failed).
Gain ultimate power in the real world by obtaining the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis (Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash; temporarily succeeded).
Serial murder (including serial child murder)
Malefic/dark magic
Grand theft animarum/soul theft
Animal cruelty
Attempted rape
Type of Villain
Sadomasochistic Serial killer

An evil demon from ancient times, The Entity scoured the world killing innocent people. Its one weakness was that its essence could be trapped in a story that allows evil to be depicted. After the stories die out, the Entity could escape back into our world by killing a gatekeeper.

After the first Nightmare on Elm Street film was made, the Entity became trapped in the film franchise. During its entrapment, it became fascinated with Freddy Krueger and took on his form. After Freddy was killed by his daughter in Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare, the film franchise ended and the Entity, now calling himself Freddy Krueger, entered the real world. However to fully escape, it needed to kill the gatekeeper, Heather Langenkamp. The reason Heather was the gatekeeper was because her character, Nancy Thompson was the first person to defeat Freddy. Despite taking Freddy's form, there were some differences. The Enity wore a black trenchcoat, had an organic-looking claw rather than a clawed glove, and was more demonic in appearance.

It started its attack by killing Charles Wilson and Terrance Feinstein, two special effects technicians working on the new Nightmare on Elm Street film by making a robotic claw. Heather saw the attack in a nightmare and was shocked when she learned of their deaths. The Entity then attacks Heather's husband, Chase, killing him and making it look like a car accident, though the claw marks on his torso made Heather suspicious. Heather talks to Robert Englund about seeing Freddy, but Freddy was scarier. Robert completed it by saying darker, more evil, indicating the Entity was affecting Englund as well. Heather then goes to Wes and Wes explains the new movie is needed to contain the entity but asks Heather to be Nancy one last time.

The Entity starts attacking Dylan, Heather's son and causes the child to get horrible seizures. Heather takes her son to the hospital. At home, Heather goes into her closet and is attacked by the Entity. An earthquake stops the Entity allowing Heather to escape. Heather goes to the hospital and is greeted by Dylan's babysitter, Julie.

Heather asks Julie to make sure Dylan stays awake. Two nurses are able to drug Dylan despite Julie's best efforts. Dylan then sees the Entity behind Julie and the Entity then attacks Julie. During this time, the staff at the hospital were questioning Heather's sanity until several doctors see Julie floating in the air and eventually die on the ceiling from a broken neck.

Dylan sleepwalks to his home with Heather in pursuit. The Entity appears in the sky and lifts Dylan across a highway, putting him in danger. Heather gets hit by a car but was unharmed. The Entity then alters reality and makes Heather's home look like 1428 Elm Street and convince John Saxon that he was Donald Thompson, Nancy's father. Heather called Donald "daddy" allowing the Entity to enter the real world. Heather enters Dylan's bed and finds sleeping pills. She gets a knife and takes the pills, entering the dream world.

Heather locates Wes' script for his movie and after reading it, learns he was writing about her life and there was no movie. Dylan appears behind Heather but the Entity attacks Heather. Heather grabs a snake and sticks it in the Entity's eye and smacks him. The Entity attacks again but Dylan grabs the knife and stabs the Entity in the leg. The Entity knocks out Heather and goes after Dylan in retaliation.

Dylan hides in a furnace but the Entity traps him. The Entity prepares to eat Dylan, but Heather awakens and grabs the knife and stabs the Entity. Dylan is able to escape the furnace and the two try to push the Entity inside. The Entity uses his tongue to wrap Heather up, but Dylan grabs the knife and stabs the tongue.

It shoots into the Entity's mouth and the two put the Entity fully into the furnace and lock him in. The two then open the furnace fully, setting the Entity on fire. The Entity shows his true form as a satanic creature and then explodes, destroying his lair. Heather and Dylan are able to escape into the real world.

Heather finds Wes' script and see the final page. In his own handwriting, famed director Wes Craven wrote in the final page of the script that thanks to Heather and Dylan's efforts, Freddy was back where he belongs.

This version of Freddy has the knives as a part of his hand rather than his usual glove.
In the ending credits, Freddy Krueger is credited as himself, even though Robert Englund reprises the role.
The make-up on this version of Freddy was more demonic and less like a burned man.
Unlike the "real" Freddy Krueger, The Entity can be harmed in the dream world.
The Entity's sweater is green with red stripes, inverted from the original Freddy's red sweater with green stripes.
Also the rest of his attire was more pristine as opposed to the burned and tattered clothing Freddy has had throughout the rest of the franchise.
Unlike the original Freddy, The Entity can interact with the real world and even kill people who are awake as long as someone else is dreaming about him.
There was a scene in the script that depicted a Robert Englund Freddy nightmare. The nightmare had Robert stuck in a spider-like web, and the new "demon" Freddy was a giant spider. This was dropped, because it didn't fit with the film's overall tone.
Robert Englund has said this is his favorite movie of the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise
Freddy's death in this film is similar to his original death when he was burned alive by a group of vigilante parents.

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