A little bit of snooping

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after zipping away from glave, i just kind of strolled through the underground complex, looking for anything interesting, browsing the shop while i did so, looking for some quality of life improvements. "ay a cancer ray... that might be... yeeesh, that price tag... nevermind" i said, i was about to keep scrolling till i tripped on something, landing face-first on the ground, i just kinda sat there for a moment, i then signed, standing up.

"damn... the fuck did i trip on??" i said, looking back, a path of footprints in the dust, in the bath was a long bar, sprouting from the ground, i moved closer, looking at it a bit closer...

"ahhh, a handlebar" i gave it a twist, it didn't budge, so i stood up and kicked it. it moved like a millimeter, my foot fucking hurt though, so i did the only reasonable thing.

i kicked it again, this time it finally spun a decent amount, so i crouched down, the large hatch opened with a thunk. i opened it fully, a creak echoing in the cave. i peered down into the hatch, seeing a ladder and a very deep hole, i shrugged, then started my descent

after a while of climbing, I arrived at the bottom of the pit. seeing a dark ass hallway, i gabbed my lightsaber, igniting it. the red blade cast an eerie glow on the already ominous hallway, it was just a grey rectangular hallway, carved into the stone.

"huh, cool," i said, beginning to walk down the hallway, just kinda, you know, uh.. I'm gonna be real, the hallway is long as fuck, my feet started to get sore until i eventually arrived at a locked wooden door, i put my ear up to it, hearing a panicked voice, so i shot the doorknob, it fell to the ground, then everything froze, i grabbed the burial blade bashing a big part of the door out "HERES JOHNNY" i quickly slowed time, looking around, three white fang members, and what looked like a fanaus girl in a cage. i blinked into the room, grabbing black prince, slashing one man's throat, then throwing it into another man's eye, lastly, i grabbed blue rose from my belt, leveling it at the third man's head, this all happened in slowed time, so it looked like i appeared and killed two men in less than a second.


"w- who the fuck are you!" the man said, reaching for his sword, i simply shot it, it flew from his belt, landing a good four feet away.

"names Corvo, now then, what's happening in here?"

"fuck you" i just killed him, then turned to the girl in the cage, she was a rabbit faunaus, she looked similar to velvet.

"wus popping"

"y- you just killed him!" i looked down at the body

"oh... that's what this thing does?? i thought it just shot red jello at people," i said, holstering blue rose, she looked absolutely horrified. "so, you know a velvet scarlatina?"

"you know that traitorous bitch" she spat


"speaking of which, your a traitor too, any self-respecting faunus would join the white fang, anything else is treason and cowardice"

"you're in a cage... wearing rags" she was wearing rags, it didn't leave much to the imagination.

"i..." she paused, sighing "yeah... your right... i was a loyal member of the white fang, till a higher up made some shit about being a turncoat, my punishment was the job 'stress relief' today was my first day"

"damn, that's rough, anyway wanna get out?"

"Why should I... there's nowhere for me to go, my family probably hates me, the white fang has it out for me... I might as well be Grimm food"

"damn, that's a shitty attitude. I spent a while living with velv, I don't think shes physically capable of hating someone, hows about this, you come back with me to beacon, talk with velv, then see what happens, I know for a fact one of the students there is an ex white fang."

"r- really?"

"well I wouldn't be a gentleman if I left a poor girl in a cage"

"I... thank you," she said, looking down, I grinned, shooting the lock off, it fell to the ground with a clang as I swung the cage open. 

"hmm, you probably need some new clothes, let me see," I said, opening the shop "what do you want?"

"um... just a shirt and pants is fine"

"Alright," I said, hitting buy, then I tossed her a pair of jeans, a loose t-shirt, and a pair of underwear. I then turned, walking to the hallway and leaning just outside of the door, giving her space to change. "so, what's your story?"

"my story?" she asked "not much to tell, I'm velvets sister, by the way, Jackson scarlatina. I was born with several sisters and two brothers, grew up in a rougher neighborhood, then as soon as I could, I left, wandered around, eventually joined up with the white fang" she said, she then walked out into the hallway, I finally got a good look at her. her resemblance to velvet was jarring, same hair and eyes. the biggest differences were her larger chest and a scar that ran from the inner part of her left eye and leading down the right corner of her lip. there were also some more subtle differences, overall she was much... fuller than velvet, with wider hips, and thighs, more muscular arms. honestly, a kick from her could probably kill me.

"you want a weapon? I got spares" I said, shuffling around in my bag.


"Alright, follow me," I said, pulling out blue rose and walking further down the hallway. eventually, I found myself at a set of steel double doors, I crept closer, putting the gun away and pulling out black prince, then I creaked the door open, glancing inside. what I saw made my jaw drop, it was... a massive room, inside, was a titanic sized mech suit. "no fucking way" I said, getting a better look at it "that's a jaeger... alright then" I said, I turned to Jackson "alright, I'm gonna finish up here, you head to the other end of the hallway, if you see me running climb the ladder and get as far away from here as you can, ill be close behind, do the same if I'm gone for an hour, if I am, find someone named glave, tell them I sent you."

"a- alright," she said with a nod, turning and walking down the hallway, once that was dealt with, I crept into the room, glancing around, the cylindrical chamber was lined with catwalks, there were fanaus everywhere, running diagnostics, welding plating, you name it.

"I have to take that down" I muttered, time to put my skills to the test.

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