Falling Apart (Tommy angst) (1/?)

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Tommy POV

Life had not been going well for Tommy. He had been getting less and less views and more and more hate. Which caused his grades to begin to slip. And with his grades dropping, his parents began yelling at him more and more often. They were constantly telling him to be better but never helping him to figure out how.

Tommy slowed down on streaming, barely managing to stream once a week. He stopped talking to his friends, figuring they probably hated him like everyone else did. He stopped being himself. He stopped caring about anything.

So when kids at school offered a solution to numb his pain, he took it without question. Alcohol, the answer to all his problems. At this point, he didn't know how he had ever lived without it. He drank it as often as he could, forcing him into a state where he couldn't live without it. 

But one night he went too far. He lost control and he drank too much.

It was a weekend where neither of his parents were home. So he could drink all he wanted without any questions. He got drunk almost instantly, so much to where he had no control over what he was doing. Everything seemed fuzzy to him. 

It wasn't long until he ran out of beer and had the urge to go find more. He knew exactly where his parents kept it, in a cabinet above the oven. Pulling himself to his feet, he made it out of his room and to the edge of the stairs. Laughing to himself, he blindly took a step, immediately losing his balance and tumbling down the stairs.

Groaning, he blinked open his eyes to find himself at the bottom of the stairs. When did he get here? He felt a drop of something drip down his head. Dazed, he reached up to find blood leaking from a new cut on his head. His eyes widened as the blood kept going. He must have cut his head on the edge of one of the stairs, but he could barely register it.

Attempting to think clearly, he felt a vibration in his pocket. Digging his hand into his pocket, he slipped out his phone, squinting at the bright screen. Wilbur... Wilby? He grinned, somehow finding excitement in the name. He racked his brain, trying to remember the last time he had talked to his older brother figure. When his mind came up blank, he frowned. Had it really been that long? With that thought, he answered. If he was sober, he would have rejected it immediately like he always did. But he wasn't.

"Oh thank God! Tommy is that you?! Are you okay?!" Wilbur's worried voice filled his ears. A sudden guilt spilled into the blonde's chest. Why did he feel guilty? What did he do wrong?

"Hey Wilby!" Tommy giggled, hiccupping a bit at the end. His thoughts were clouded with emotions that he couldn't understand, but he ignored them.

Wilbur was silent on the other side, his eyes widening. He knew exactly what was happening, but he didn't want to believe it. Was his little brother really drunk? "Are you drunk Toms?" he asked, wanting to confirm his suspicions. 

"Wha- Of course I am!" Tommy exclaimed, seemingly proud of himself.

Wilbur's heart nearly stopped. Had he done this before? He couldn't help but grow angry at the teen. Didn't he know better? "Why are you drunk Thomas?" he demanded, making Tommy flinch at the use of his full name. 

For the first time that night, Tommy didn't know what to say. Why did he suddenly feel overwhelmed with guilt? With a sudden realization, his eyes grew glassy. His worst fear had come true. The person he wanted to be his older brother more than anything was disappointed in him.

"I-I-" he began, feeling the tears prick his eyes. Did Wilbur really hate him? With shaky hands, he held his phone out, about to hang up when Wilbur spoke again, more gentle this time.

"Tommy, what's going on?" he asked, still stern, but more gently this time. He had to remember that Tommy was still just a kid. And Wilbur wanted to help Tommy. He didn't want Tommy to push him away.

Tommy opened his mouth to reply, when he saw a drop of blood hit the floor. Oh yeah, he was bleeding. Feeling his head, his eyes widened as he realized how deep the cut really was. He would probably need stitches. "Wil-l." he stammered, a sudden panic filling his voice.

"What's wrong?" Wilbur was instantly worried, knowing something wasn't right.

"I-I'm bleeding. My head-d-" he stammered, darkness beginning to spot his vision. What was happening? Was the cut really that deep? Had he really lost that much blood? A sudden weakness spread through his veins. 

"Try to find something to stop the bleeding, okay? I'm on my way! You'll be okay, just stay with me!" Wilbur exclaimed, scrambling to get ready to run out the door. 

"Wilby-" Tommy muttered, yellow beginning to border his vision. And before he knew it, the darkness had taken over. 



Hope you liked it!

This was a request! There will be a few more parts! 

Thank you for 3.1K!!! 

Hope you have a wonderful day!


Tommyinnit Oneshots (With SBI) (Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang