Fall Into Our Arms (SBI)(3/3)

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Tommy POV

"Are you sure he's going to be okay? He didn't hit his head or anything-"

"I'm sure Mr. Watson. We're just waiting for him to wake up."

Tommy slowly shifted, groaning slightly as his muscles cried out in pain. He opened his eyes, sitting up slightly to study every inch of the room. What happened? Did he fall asleep? Meeting Phil's eyes, Tommy found he couldn't make sense of what had happened. "Wha-"

The man smiled, gently pushing him back down. Tommy's eyes widened even more when he realized he was laying on a hospital bed. The boy's heart began to pick up speed. "You're alright Toms, you just fainted after getting your blood drawn." Tommy couldn't help but search Phil's eyes for any sign of dishonesty. But his blue eyes only glistened down at him, with just as much care as they always did. Phil paused, looking back towards the doctor, "Is it okay to take him home? He's never been a big fan of hospitals."

The man paused, "Understandable. Let me just get a reading on his vitals just to make sure he's okay. After that, you're free to go."

Tommy's fingers tightened on the scratchy sheets. "How... How long will that take?" An uneasy feeling settled in his stomach at the thought of being forced to stay here. What if he couldn't go home? Staying overnight was the last thing he would ever want to do. And what if they made Phil go home? He would be all alone for the rest of the night...

The doctor's eyes traced towards the beeping heart monitor. "Not very long at all, Tommy. I promise I'll get you home as fast as I can." Those words were meant to bring comfort to Tommy. They should have made all his worry and doubts disappear. But that feeling in his stomach only amplified.

Glancing towards Phil, he attempted to swing his legs over the bed. "Phil I don't-" he gulped, "I don't feel very well. I-" Luckily the doctor was prepared, offering the poor boy a trashcan. It only took a few seconds for Tommy to begin vomiting. All his stress and anxiety seemed to make the feeling worse.

Phil rubbed his back gently, making sure Tommy knew he was there. "Are you sure he's okay?"

The doctor nodded, much to Tommy's relief. "Believe it or not this can be quite common. Especially when patients are not allowed to eat all day. And the nerves of the needle can cause quite an upset stomach. He'll be alright, he just needs some fluids." 

Tommy slowly pulled his head out of the trashcan, feeling slightly better. Looking towards Phil, he pleaded for them to go home. Where he could stay in bed all day, listening to Techno's stories and Wilbur's songs. Luckily Phil knew that look.

Nodding slightly, he stood up, "Perhaps I could get some water, just for the ride home?"

"Certainly." The doctor disappeared from the room, returning quickly with a bottle of water.

Tommy stood up, apologizing to the man, "Sorry about getting sick..."

The doctor chuckled, "It's alright. Trust me, I've had to deal with much worse." He held the door open for them, watching as the two began making their way down the hallway. "Feel better Tommy!"

Tommy just waved back, not wanting to risk throwing up again by yelling. Phil wrapped an arm around him, making sure he could grab him if he began to lean too far. Luckily they made it to the car without much trouble.

Phil began the drive home, gently urging Tommy to sleep. The blonde barely seemed to respond before sleep took him.


The next time Tommy woke up, he was laying on the couch. Smiling slightly, he buried his face in the familiar cushions. Nothing was better than home, especially after a terrible day.

Phil came out to the living room. He smiled when he saw Tommy was finally awake. "How are you feeling Toms?" He gently felt the boy's forehead, seemingly relieved when it wasn't hot to the touch.

"Better," Tommy mumbled, yawning slightly. "Still tired though."

"I bet. You've had a long day." The man set a glass on the coffee table in front of him. Moving it towards the blonde, he said, "Here, drink this."

Tommy didn't have to be told twice. He grabbed the glass, sipping the sweet liquid. Sighing, he leaned back in relief. "When are Tech and Wil coming home?" he questioned. His fingers played with his shirt as he looked towards Phil.

Phil smiled fondly at the boy, "They'll be home in the next hour. They wanted to come home earlier but I wouldn't let them-"

"Why not?" 

"Toms, they can't miss anymore school. Besides, it's just one more hour, I promise." Phil pulled another blanket off the couch and offered to the boy. "How about you sleep a little more? Then you'll have some energy when they get home.  Maybe you guys can even watch a movie."

Tommy wrapped himself in the blanket, finally realizing just how tired he was. "Okay..." He yawned as his eyes began to close. "Just... Wake me up when they..." His voice trailed off as sleep swept him off of his feet.

Phil chuckled, whispering, "Sweet dreams Tommy."


"Is he okay?!"

"Shhhhh... Quiet down, Tommy's still sleeping."

"Sorry... But is he okay?"

"The doctor said he would be fine. He's been asking for you guys since he woke up."

"Poor kid."

Tommy groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. Stretching, he smiled at the sight of his older brothers. "You're here," he spoke up. Wilbur and Techno turned away from Phil, relief filling in the gaps of their faces.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Wilbur ran over to him, hugging him tightly. Tommy returned the embrace, relaxing in his brother's comfort. 

Techno followed after the brunette, "Sorry we couldn't get out of school, Toms." He paused, his face falling. "Sorry we couldn't be there for you..."

Tommy pulled out of the hug, carefully getting off the couch. He stood up, immediately throwing his arms around the pinkette. "You're here now." Techno couldn't help but smile, holding onto the boy tightly. A moment passed before the blonde piped up, "You guys did promise me a movie night."

Wilbur laughed, "That is one promise we will not be breaking." The brunette disappeared into his room, coming back with as many pillows and blankets as he could carry. 

Techno immediately began laughing at him. "You think that's enough?"

"I mean I can get more-" Wilbur walked towards the kitchen.

"I think that's plenty," Techno cut him off. Turning on the TV, the pinkette grabbed the remote and handed it to Tommy. "Your choice Toms. Just make sure you pick a good one."

The blonde grinned, scrolling through the lists of movies. Everyone knew exactly what he was going to pick before he even got to the right letter. There was only one movie Tommy would watch when he was sick.

"Up, what a surprise," Phil laughed, sitting in the arm chair.

"It's a good movie!" Tommy defended.

"I didn't say it wasn't!" the man reassured, wrapping himself in the one of the blankets. "I love that it's your favorite movie."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Start it!" Wilbur exclaimed, already ready with all the snacks Tommy could ever want.

Tommy pressed play before snuggling between his older brothers. Smiling, he had never felt so safe before. Wilbur was quick to wrap an arm around him, pulling him closer. Techno moved closer as well, but only close enough for the blonde to know he was there. 

Finally, Tommy glued his eyes to the familiar movie of Up.


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This was the end of this oneshot!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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