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Getting a building done is not as easy as it sounds, I was a little naive to think it would be. Most contractors think a building involved in a bombing are better off demolished and starting from scratch because the structure is no good. It took some convincing and finding one that didn't have a contract with someone else already. The regulars were going elsewhere for their meals, as sad as I am about it there is nothing I can do. The second thing g is to hire extra help. It's going to be busy when word gets out hung are up and running. A girl, Ginny, flaming red hair is up for the task. Had to interview her at the house since doing it at the diner was a no go. School starting back up in middle of all this, being a stay at home mom for a while. It's strange not having work but showing up once a day to look in on the progress.

Of the debris removed the cookie sheet and the booth table that pinned me are kept. I don't know why. A day of show and tell, the glass is all in place, it all looks flawless, like it was never touched to begin with. The booths all replaced as well as the bar stool. The dishwasher and the sink had to be replaced, the one and stove are kept. Hey only have a few spots in them. The Family Diner is the sign reads now outside the building. It feels like home. I was right, the regulars coming back in droves. Slammed for a solid week after reopening. Nothing but pride as I look at it, for a second it was a sight I thought I would never see again.

Turning around to do coffee rounds and Tyler is sitting at the bar. He was not part of the clean up crew or rebuilding and has not been here since we opened. What is he doing here? "I had a couple girls in high school. One was a crush more than a girlfriend. Tiffany was the girlfriend. When I was going to school to be a paramedic there was a girl in my class. Mel, she was pretty. Highlighted hair, we dated for a while. I wasn't picky I just didn't have the interest. Most of the girls o went to school with were attractive but nothing was there. I got hit on by my patience, most of them are in their 80s." Why is he telling me this?

"Is this to keep me from breaking you finger?" I didn't last time. I can hear a laugh at the end of the bar. Nate is trying to look busy but he can hear this. "I am telling you this because I know your attracted to me." This again. When Tyler came in before all this he would talk about himself, it's what this is about. He misses his friend. The sun reflecting off a car door has me distracted. Plenty of people come in her lost asking for directions. Some are looking for a meal. I can see the person emerging from the car. It's no customer as I leave the coffee pot on the bar and pulling the door. "I'm hallucinating because it is the only way your here." A man in a suit is just getting out of the driver seat. Dark shirt hair about five foot seven, another out of the passenger he's wearing a black trench coat with him, has dirty blond hair. He's older. "I'm Agent Carver. This is Agent Broswell."

Ok. "That doesn't explain what he's doing here." Ryan is looking at the other men, not me. "We have to tell her." Ryan announces. Agent Broswell looks annoyed, like telling me in is the last thing he wants to do. "Two men approached me soon after we found out what Archer was up to. They wanted my help. I started working with them soon after I got out." Shaking my head. "This doesn't make any sense. What are you doing here now? As usual you are back when you arent supposed to be gone." I am beyond irritated with him. "The FBI needed my help. I heard about what happened with the diner." Something clicking into place. "He's planning something, isn't her? That's why your here." Ryan is looking at the Agent. "They came to me to figure it out but I can't. You came to me once and said I think like him. But the truth is you do. You are able to get inside his head and predict what will happen and connect the dots leading to it. I'm not able to do it."

He's looking at the Agent again. "Do I want to know what the guy had to do to end up on the FBI list? Was it working behind prison walls or blowing up a diner?" The Agent is ready to talk again. "I can get agents to watch your houses, work, friends until we find out what his plan is." Shaking my head. "Two steps behind." Taking a breath. "No, that is not how he operates. This man doesn't work like that. He won't strike with you watching him. It will be when you least expect it in the place you least suspect and you won't see it coming until the last second. He will be somewhere local, he will have someone doing the work. You have to find phone logs of who he is talking to. You think a prison cell will contain him?"

Rock Bottom:Breaking GroundWhere stories live. Discover now