How To Hide

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Agent Broswell, I wouldn't have mattered who went into the house, the man got out in handcuff. It is an image I have replayed over and over I don't know how many times in the last week. Calling a huge family meeting, the kids had been home for a few days, they have been processing everything, I can't blame them if they are a little shaken. There are five different school districts in this city and down one. Of the 1,000 kids without a school to go to these other districts are going to be picking up the slack, sadly. It means rearranging schedules, who takes them to school, how far out of the way it will be and the curriculum. After school activities, some don't believe in art or music but have football, basket ball or vise versus somewhere else. I don't want them getting too far behind. The district doesn't know how long it will take to get their school up and running again.

"I miss you." Some guy is here talking to Ginny. She is on the main floor, we are really busy today. In the midst of the chaos that involved Archer I'm glad for some normal. "Could have fooled me." I don't like her tone. In the time she has been here she has never raised her voice. "Your coming home with me. We will straighten this out." I don't like those words or him. "I am not going anywhere with you. Let me go." He has a hold of her elbow. "Hey, hey." I'm calling out as I for between them. "This is none of your business." He's glaring at me, I'm not phased. Ginny is terrified. "What's going on?" Getting her to focus on me. "This is my ex boyfriend, Mark. I broke up with him soon after I started working here." He's laughing. I'm ignoring him. He doesn't count it a break up. "I started seeing someone a couple months ago and somehow he found out."

He's laughing. "Seeing a woman doesn't count." She's upset she hadn't told me. She has the same look Nate had years ago. "Why not? Because she's not a man?" He's a little surprised by that. "Let me guess, your confused too." What is wrong with him? "Let me guess, you think your just the guy to straighten her out." He's not laughing but he has a cocky smile. "You have two options. You can try to touch her again but you would have to go through me or you can leave here without a scratch." He's laughing again. "You mean I would have to fight you." He's one of those who doesn't believe in it. "You thought nothing of it when you put your hands on her." Crossing my arms. "I bet I can straighten you both out." My gut coiling at the thought. " I doubt it. Your not man enough." He's a little hurt by the statement.

He's reaching his hand forward to touch me. I'm grabbing it, wheeling him around, putting his arm behind his back and slamming him forward onto the table next to me. My other arm on the back of his neck, pinning him so he can't move. It knocked the wind out of him. "Show up here again and see what happens to you." I'm releasing him, he's getting up, rotating his shoulder. "Will a couple of you guys make sure he gets on the road." Two cops at opposite side of the diner are standing up, both in police uniforms. This guy isn't too bright.

As they are escorting him to his car I see two men in the parking lot. I'm not letting them come in here. "You two are the last ones I expected to see around here." Considering last time went so well. Agent Carver is looking at Agent Broswell. "We we're finishing up some business. The FBI wanted us for one last thing. To offer you a position." I am coming up short and my mind is going blank. "You are aware I'm already working." If the clothes and the location aren't a giveaway. Agent Carver is finding this comical. In all reality I expected last time to be the last I saw them. "Getting Archer was a one and done deal for me."

Agent Carver is a little more serious now. "You showed a particular set of skills. Leadership, instinct and drive. They were quite impressed with the push you showed considering the work that had been put in." I'm shaking my head. "I would like to think about it." I'm not saying no and I'm not saying yes. It will end their button pushing for an answer. "They sent along a little incentive." Agent Carver is holding a file. In reluctance I'm taking it. "I don't know whether to be insulted or flattered." How much of this did they plan ahead. Agent Broswell is scoffing.

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