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All I can see through the haze is barely the glass building as my body fights through the heavy water to make it to the glass and metal frame. Feet on tile floor sounds like a good idea only if I can get traction. "It is really coming down out there." Fish is alerted to the torrential downpour I just ran through. "Hit hard once I got off the exit." It came out of nowhere. "Now, gentlemen, you want to tell me why you have me come down here in heels?" Openly accusing both of them.

"Nice answering service, by the way." Jo notes. I had thrown my phone to Nate because I couldn't answer, carrying four plates. "There is a class graduating from here and the FBI wanted us to hit it before the storm came in." I can understand planning ahead. "That sounds more like your ball park. Why do you need me?" Fish is looking at Jo. "After the banquet, we made a deal, you can either come with us on this stop and the case that comes after or they may as well drop you from their case list." This has me stopping completely. Nice way to bury the alternator motive. "During the church showdown, they should have taught you that themselves. Along with weapons training."
Jo adds.

They should be doing it from a legal stand point and they haven't. "We know the reluctance on your part in some situations regarding the unfair treatment. Taking out two on the top ten list, they have been reminded of how crucial your work has been." Fish points out. Why does it feel like they are tiptoeing around something? "They know about the visions." Neither one of them is saying anything. "Legally we had to." Hands on my head. "On the other hand it's none of their business." I know the fall out that can come from this, good and bad. Fish and Jo know this too. They knew what my reaction would be. It's frowned upon to use outside methods. I am an outsider number one.

"Thank you." Both of them stood up for me and they didn't have to. "If any of them give me crap." I'm warning them, they have their hands up in surrender. "What would your name be?" Looking at Fish for his question. He lost me. "Jo's is his last name, the same for mine." Crap. I had not thought of that. I had not thought of this as a permanent fixture either. Does this mean it is? Or just a way to identify me? "You don't want them calling you Kayla?" Jo offers. Hardly anyone calls me that. "I didn't take Jordan's last name either." Lost my identity anyway. "Monroe." I add. The two of them look puzzled. "Monroe?" Fish is saying it like he sees a two headed dog. "I like the name. How much time we got?" Time to move on from this. "Five minutes." Fish glaring at his watch. "Need to go to the bathroom and access the damage." Fish is pointing down to the hall we are on.

It's an easy enough sign to see. Folding up paper towels and laying it on the floor. Stepping on it like I would stairs, there is still water at the bottom of my shoes. Wiped the floor after I got in. This bathroom still has a blow dryer for your hands using it to dry my hair. It is past my shoulders and thick. Processing what they said just now. Them knowing about the visions feels like an invasion. I will defend it but I shouldn't have to. It got the work done, it's all they should care about. The pink blouse Jaime got me for Christmas, black pants from Tracy, I am never letting them buy my clothes again.

Walking out, my hair is still wet in some places, this is as good as it gets. "So what are we doing?" I have no idea what goes into this as we walk down the hallway. "They are getting an education here." The building is huge. "We have to add how they benefit from joining." I know there is a frown on my face. "I thought it was why they are here." I mean, isn't this like quantico. "They are learning the fundamentals. At the FBI they will get trained, oversee cases. So nice words about the bosses." Fish instructs. "That's really going to limit my vocabulary." I'm adding. The bosses already think I'm a liability, only I covered their asses once. Jo and Fish did it his last time. "Ok, get it out before we go in there." Jo is stopping just before the door, so is Fish. Do they know what they are signing up for?

"What they have to look forward to is sleeping two hours a night, binging on enough fast food that would give the average person a heart attack and drinking coffee through and IV tube." Yeah, much better. Walking away from them. "I think that was just the start." Jo informs Fish. The auditorium is bigger than the house and diner put together. Should have figured with a building this size. Introductions have been made to the rows of students. Between the three of us Jo decided to go first while me and Fish stand off to the side. I'm barely hearing him while lost in my own thoughts, knowing Fish is looking at me question if it's a good idea to have me speak. "Don't worry, I'm not going to embarrass you." This is a job, I can put my feelings aside.

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