To tell or not to tell

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I woke up to a bed that felt like heaven. A Pillow that was softer than baby hair. I sat up not quite knowing where I was at. Then I remembered my mates. Wait they called me a human. Should I kick there butts or should I keep it a secret or tell then? Na let them think I'm human. I got up and walked over to the door and opened it. I stuck my head out the doorway and listen to hear if  anybody near. When I didn't I walked out. I got to the stairs and walked down to I think the kitchen. I saw the front door and walked to it. I opened the door slowly so it didn't squeak. Who ever my mates are they suck at watching me. I mean I'm escaping with out.... "where do you think your going" someone said behind me. I turned around and saw both of my mates. I stuttered
"I was just going to go outside to things"
"Just things"said,mate number one.
"Yea just things" I said a little more strongly.
Can I know your name,mate number two said.
Well this is Blake he pointed to mate one
I'm Andrew
Nice to meet you why'd you kidnap me, I asked.
They looked at each other and sighed.
I did it finally it is done

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