This is war!!!!

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Soon as the boys heard the bang they hoped into alpha mood.
" All women and children in the safe room." They said at the same.
"I coming with you." I tried to run to my door but didn't work."
They shut the door and lock it With a " I love you" from them both.

I say on the bed for a good old five minutes before getting an idea of how to get out. I whistle,and then a Big Bang with a lot of smoke made a hole threw the wall.    It was Mitch.
I hopped on his back. We went straight to where all the fighting was happening.
Both of my mates we fighting like master of war. I made a hole in the ground, filled it with fire.  I turned around on Mitch still in the air.    I was grouping people together with vines. Then I would push them in the fire pit. I know what a mean thing to do, but hey there are bad guys.    They kind of could kill me and my mates or my baby. I was not letting that happen.

After a lots of people fell into my fire pit.    It was only down to one guy left of the rouges. I landed Mitch and walked over to the guy.
" why did you guys attack us?"
" it wasn't our fault we were made to."
"Who made you?"
He pointed to a guy half alive right next to us.
I then walked over to him

"Because my love I love you and you are my mate and you need to come home with me."
Why are all bad guys crazy?   Well I guess if they weren't they would be bad.

I looked behind me to see Blake coming over and shot him in the head.
You can join our pack if you want, he said to the last guy and call all the women and children of your pack to come live with us to.
By the time every thing was said and done we had 254 new members join are pack.
But the day wasn't over we went to the doctors and it turns out I will be having triplets in five short mouths
Ya my great life

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