Speeding up the war

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We went on a run so we all could be together. We were running and I saw the cave that Mitch was in.
Boys I want you to meet someone. I walked up to the cave and whistled. sounds were heard from the cave. When the dragon appeared the boys growled and got in front of me while I was in human form and they in wolf.
After they met Mitch, we walked back home to get some sleep.
The moon goddess was sitting in the meadow from my first dream. "I know that you have a lot on your plate being the chosen one."
"I need you to do me a favor."
"Anything what is It" I said
"I need you to end the war sooner""
"How soon" I asked
"Well a soon as you mate you will have to be careful as you will be needed in the future."
"How will mating with my mates have anything to do with it, they haven't even marked me yet".
"You will have to find out when you get there."
Got it done next chapter will have a little s*x in it but I will need some help I have not done the dirty so I don't know how the thing goes. I need help so if someone will help me withe the details that would be great.

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