Frist day

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I walked up to the school with my brother at my sides making a box around me. So there is sexy beast in the middle aka me! Then the loofs on my sides one if front and one in back. I stopped walking so Cole crashed into me splitting up "the protection box" I make a dash to the office glad to be rid of my brothers. I walk into the office to get my times table. I say good bye to Mrs Vivian. Such a nice lady and walked out.
1 period P.E
2period biology 
3 period English 4
4 period. Spanish 3 (don't judge yeah I failed a year.  I got flaws and your just jelous)
5 study hall
6 history
7. Pre calculus
8  problem solving
9th band
I walked to first period all we did was talk about rules of the games.
School went by in a blast and it ended on a high note. Get it haha I play pilcco and band is the last class haha ? Okay fine don't laugh.
I decide to go for a jog. The woods was amazing when I got far enough I change into my wolf.

When I got done I was frolicking back when I found a cave I went into the cave. The walls where all wet and slimy I wonder what they taste like. No! Skyler stay on task. Wait what is my task. Oh yeah walk to the back of this creepy cave.
In the middle there was a rock that was red with orange swirls on it. I picked it up and it felt like I wanted to love it you know how you see a baby duck and you just wanted to shove it in your pocket well that's what I did and I took it home and sat it in my dresser and went into bed waiting to see what tomorrow will bring.


I was in a meadow and was playing with all the flowers and then the clouds started to lower like a stair case. A women in all white walking with grace smile so big it made my mouth hurt. I walk over to her and she grabbed my hand and I felt a burning in my palm but I didn't dare pull my hand away. After a few seconds it stop and the meadow fade .

I woke up with a jolt and looked at my had to see marking on it that went all the around my wrist (pics above)
And screamed

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💘 happy v day
Sorry it is short I will try to update sooner

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