Chapter 3

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I wasn't planning on writing on this today, but I had a creative splurge, so here's the second chapter of today.

The boys were tumbling in the shallow water for no apparent reason whatsoever, and I just shook my head at them. Typical vampire- wolf feuding. Though I wouldn't say it wasn't a sight to see, the drenched topless males splashing in the water under the moonlight. Riven seemed fatally annoyed while Luke was just grinning. They were both idiots.
"Guys! Let's get moving!" I said, tired. I hadn't slept for over 24 hours and I really wanted to get to this safe place soon. They stopped tumbling, Luke ending up on top. I watched as Luke landed a tiny kiss on Rivens forehead, Riven turning red, a mixture of anger and something else which he would probably never admit to. Luke got up and waded over to me, planting a kiss on my forehead too before casually walking upstream. Stupid flirt. I turned to Riven who was getting up. There was hunger in his eyes, my empty stomach agreed. "When did you feed last?" I asked him. If he went on a rampage it wouldn't end well for at least one of us. If he bit the wolf he'd get food poisoning, and I wasn't sure of how vampires reacted to elven blood.
"Dinner, earlier?" He said nonchalantly.
"You don't eat with us." I saw him swallow.
"Right. I'm fine either way." No he wasn't. I stood still in the water with my eyes closed so they wouldn't glow, felt it's current. I focused on the water, swirled my hands in it, mumbling sacred words of a language so complex I would never fully understand it. I bent the water to my will, pulling a fish to my hand. I opened my eyes, tossing it to Riven. "Don't know if it suits your tastes, but my day at least, would be much better I don't end up as dinner." He seemed dumbfounded, confused. There came a loud splash and a "Knew it!!!" From Luke as he appeared before me. I almost wondered if he could teleport.
"You aren't human!!" he said loudly, clearly proud of his discovery. Shit.
"Yes I am idiot, I'm ms. Bloomsbury's niece." That was a lie, ms. Bloomsbury was just my uncles friend.
"I was the first child in the orphanage." That was true. After ms. Bloomsbury took me in she started taking more children in until people started calling our home an orphanage.
"You're a werewolf and he's a vampire, big deal. Just try not to eat me." I said sarcastically.
"Are we getting close to this shelter?" I asked Riven, who looked even more dumbstruck now, as if my world not falling apart made his do so instead.
My words seemed to finally reach him, and he shook his head.
"Dog! Do you have a knife?" Riven asked Luke, who was still standing very close to me. Luke turned to riven with a smile, suddenly holding a hunting knife which came out of who knows where.
"You want to stab me with it?" Luke jokingly asked.
"Tempting, but for now, no." Luke tossed the knife to Riven, who thankfully didn't get it in the face. We kept walking as Riven (And right here I realized what I named him. Comment if the name bothers you and I'll change it. Feel free to give other name suggestions too. Sorry.)

(Let's try starting the sentence again to minimize confusion.)
We kept walking as Riven started de-scaling the fish unskillfully, every now and then making yelps of pain, and splashes from dropping the fish. Luke was walking ahead again, and it was obvious he was giggling.
After a few minutes I stopped him. "Let me." I hadn't used weapons much since my uncle died, except my bow, which had been left at the orphanage, but elven-made weapons adapted to the elf holding them. I didn't know where Luke had gotten the blade from, but by the way he held it, he wasn't used to it, and by the sharpness and the slight singing noise of the weapon, it was made by elven hands.

Riven looked at me like i was crazy and said: "We just established a few minutes ago that you're human. You'll literally cut your hand off." I glanced at his hand holding the fish, full of cuts. I didn't like using mind control magic, took too much energy, but sometimes it was the easier way. I placed my hand on his shoulder, looked him deep in his blood red eyes. "Give me the knife." I told him, my voice calm. He reached his hand out, giving me the large blade. It touched my skin, I felt it's energy surge throughout my hand, up my arm. Young, lively, excited. I grasped the blade properly and felt the wooden handle form itself to the size of my hand, the shape of my hand, then adjust the length of the blade to my size. It went longer, slimmer. The elf holding it before me must have been shorter but stronger than I. I held it still in my hand until the balance felt right, until I could hear it softly sing the same tune as my bow did.
"Well done." I said, releasing eye contact with Riven. He snapped out of it, putting his palm to his forehead.
"Wait- where's the knife?" He said, realizing his hand was empty. I took the fish from his other hand and placed the blade lightly to the surface of the fish, and cut, the movement easy, smooth. I looked at Riven. "Is that enough space to bite?" He just stared. I handed him the fish and started walking, heading for Luke. Mind control was really tiring.
"Luke. How big is your wolf form?" Werewolves were much larger than normal wolves, easily rideable by humans, and I needed rest. He looked like he was going to start complimenting his own size.
"Never mind. Just turn. I want to sleep." He pouted a bit but said "Fine by me." Luke turned, A large, brown wolf before me. I didn't doubt he could carry me. Elves were physically very light, flexible, don't scar, and there was something about beauty as well, but I wouldn't know. I couldn't see my own face, but I had been surprised when I first came to the village and everyone was extremely flawed in comparison to my uncle.
I reached up to place my hands on his back, and jumped, lifting myself up on his back and laid down in the fluff, making sure to center my weight not to fall off. I fell asleep almost as soon as my eyes closed.

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