Chapter 6

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A/N: hi! Just wanted to mention that I posted a beastiary/world explaination for my stories. So if you're confused about anything you can head over there, otherwise I'm online often, so you can just post any questions here.
Just making sure to say it, but you don't need to read it, I just think it might make things clearer.
I don't mind if you use it for your own stories either, I understand some people don't have a hyperactive brain that creates universes without anyone asking for them.

Luke cleared his throat, and as me and Riven turned to look at him, he pressed his pointy fingers to our foreheads. Sparks immediately exploded throughout my forehead. What?
   "We're mates. All of us."

I couldn't process it. How was that even possible?? I blinked a few times, trying to understand. I didn't.
"Yeah, okay. I'm just going to go to bed. If this isn't just a weird dream, I'll trust the two of you to figure it out." I then just stood up and walked over to two trees, manipulating vines to stretch from them to create a hammock(cot), and curled up to sleep. I'm not dealing with this right now. I thought before going to sleep.

"You've got to be kidding me." Riven muttered, hand rubbing his forehead.
"Why would this happen?" He looked at me and asked, I just shrugged as an answer.
"I'm not letting go of her, and I'm assuming you're the same, so I guess we'll just have to share... somehow." He said, eyeing me like a rival. I chuckled. I grabbed him by the chin, angling his face to meet mine as I clashed my mouth into his- not going too heavy, but taking the opportunity to trace his pointy teeth with my tongue. I pulled away and sneered down at his bewildered expression.
"You're a virgin, aren't you?" I stated at his non-existent kissing skills. I shook my head, I already knew the answer.
"We're mates, all three of us. We'll figure it out." I said, and left to go to sleep. I didn't need to turn around to know his expression.

I woke up and got out of the cave to see quite an interesting sight. On one of the logs by the fireplace sat Riven, watching Eva a few meters away- who was making vines braid her hair. I sat down by the still sizzling coals from the fire- Riven must have kept it going until fairly recently. We waited for Eva to come over and sit down before I said:
"We should get some things figured out, to keep everyone comfortable in this... relationship?" Eva and Riven nodded.
"Anyone want to start?"
"Oh, um- my full name is Aevethe. It is customary for elves to keep their true names hidden from anyone other than family and mates. It is to avoid getting cursed by anyone with ill intent." Eva mentioned.
"Oh- okay, well, what do you want to be called?" She considered for a moment.
"Eva is like a nickname. It should be used for casual conversation, but... I wouldn't mind being called my full name during more... intimate moments." Eva blushed adorably and Riven went completely beet red. They were both virgins, I realized.
"Works for me. Anything else?" I looked at them both.
"I'd prefer to sleep during daytime and be awake at night. I don't see anything when the sun's out." Riven proposed. "We all have night vision, right?" He continued, we both nodded.
"Okay with me. How often do you guys need to feed? Also- at the moment I'd advise you not to eat me, I don't know how vampires react to elven blood." Eva said.
"I- I wouldn't do that!" Riven mumbled.
"I function with one meal per day, but I prefer at least two." I answered.
"I can survive in a comatose state for years, but as long as I eat at least once every two or three days I won't have any side effects, but I usually eat twice a day." Eva answered to her own question.
"Hypothetically I could survive many years without blood, but I start getting dangerous if I don't eat for three days- though the rampages usually start after about five." Riven stated, confirming the fact he was a pureblood. Bitten vampires need blood at least every 24 hours or they rampage- causing them to be a serious problem for everyone around. Most species can battle off one without too much trouble, but rampaging vampires in groups, well... it's not fun.
"...What's the plan from here on?" Eva mumbled the question we had all been asking in the back of our heads. Riven shook his head, we didn't know.
"We can't stay here forever, and soon enough the people back there will figure it out and come upstream." I stated. As nice as the little meadow was, it wasn't safe.
"Who... were they?" Ava asked, I swallowed.
"They might have been after me, I have had a tendency of pissing people off through the years. It's likely they wanted revenge for something." I admitted. Riven shook his head.
"No, they're probably after me. If my family found out I was alive... it's not unlikely they would send assassins." Ouch. I made a mental note to be careful on the subject of family with him.
Then I remembered something.

"I know where we can go."

A/N: I know it might seem weird to some, but I think it's important when starting a romantic relationship with someone you don't 100% know to sit down and talk about wishes for the relationship. Things you can't stand, eating and sleeping habits, physical intimacy, intimacy in public spaces and such things, to figure out how you as a couple will work out, and if for example your sleeping schedules are very different, just agree not to call/text/bother the other person during their sleeping hours, or rearrange your sleep schedule in a way that works for both of you. *sleep schedule is just an example. Other things that I didn't write but are important are to make sure you as a partner know of any allergies, physical conditions and such, so you know not to poison your partner, and what to do if your partner gets a reaction to something.

Gosh this a/n got long. Sorry!

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