Chapter 8

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I stood face to face with a silently growling large she wolf. I shook my head at Eva, who was clearly ready to pounce on the wolf. I knew who this woman was.
I lowered my head, showing submission to the only queen of the country, the queen of rogues.

Luke and the white wolf changed back and got dressed behind trees, when the white wolf returned I was shocked. The largest werewolf I had ever seen was a woman. She was unmistakably the same person, with near white skin and snow colored hair with a pair of blood red eyes. She was young, but everything about her emitted an aura of power and knowledge. She wasn't a person who would be called beautiful, but she was certainly striking. Scars covered every piece of skin visible, most of them looking bad enough to kill me. I was immediately filled with admiration for this stranger for no apparent reason. (Just Eva looking up to every female with authority she finds)

The woman crossed her arms over her chest.
"What business do you have here?" She asked, eyeing all three of us.
"...And who and what are you?" I put the knife away and reached my hand out to her.
"I'm Eva. The werewolf is Luke, and the blind one is Riven. We are traveling." She nodded to herself.
"You look like children. How old are you? Do you have any adults with you?" Riven raised his hand next to me, not looking remotely in the right direction.
"I'm the oldest. Either 17 or 18, not sure." The woman sighed.
"So you are children." Luke looked like he was going to protest, but I agreed before he had the chance to.
"Indeed. It wasn't exactly planned. Will you introduce yourself too, or will I be referring to you as the white woman?" I asked, but Luke answered before she got the chance to.
"She's the northern Alpha, but you might know her as the queen of the rogues." I simply stared at the woman. The queen of the north was a childrens story.
   "The name is Ethenn, but your friend happens to be correct." I continued staring. Ms Bloomsbury had told me the story several times as a child. I had always thought it was a myth.

I sat down in a meadow in the middle of the pack grounds and reached for a pouch at my side. I dug my hand in, picking an acorn at random from my stash. I proceeded to stick it in the earth, willing it to grow. I always kept a number of acorn seeds on my person in case I wish to set up housing. I closed my eyes and dug my fingers into the earth next to the seed, and told it to grow. I felt something warm going throughout my body and out through my fingertips. When I opened my eyes there was a large oak tree in front of me, still rapidly growing.
I willed it to rise, for it to hollow, and so it did. I stood up and placed the palm of my hand to the large tree. Open. Open. I demanded, and a light seemed to cut trough the wood before me, leaving a small wooden door in its wake.
I sighed. I had never figured out how to make the doors larger than chest-height. I turned around to look at the boys, Riven was silently smiling at me, and Luke was staring at the tiny door with adoring eyes.
"Can I? Pleeease?" Asked Luke, looking at me with puppy-dog eyes.
I shook my head, smiling. "Go ahead." Luke immediately stormed in through the tiny door, ducking heavily thanks to the small size of the entrance.
I wordlessly eyed Riven, nodded towards the entrance. He seemed to understand as he came closer to me. He stopped for a second before carefully touching the top of my head.
"Well done." He mumbled, the cold of his skin cooling my head. I took his hand in mine, I wasn't afraid of the cold. I could control Ice and fire, he couldn't hurt me. I tugged on his hand, pulling him with me into the tree-house.

The tree house was the same as all before it. You entered into the living room-kitchen, and up the ladder, carved into the wall, was the bedroom. It was simple and woody, but felt light and happy. The first thing I did was start to grow large leaves for curtains to the bedroom window, to help Rivens eyes. Luke was rolling around on the large bed and Riven sat right next to me on the floor. He didn't touch me in the slightest, just watched, squinting. He seemed tired, and was probably hungry.
"Hey Luke! Could you go hunting?" I asked, and Luke stopped rolling around.
"Sure. How much food do we need?"
"Not very much. Riven hasn't eaten in a while. Just to stay safe." Luke nodded and I turned to a half-asleep Riven.
"And you should go to sleep." I said, but when he didn't react I Just sighed.

For the next ten minutes after Luke left I tried my best to lift Riven into the bed, well, I say lift, but it was more like dragging , and I quite miserably failed, as Rivens body had barely even moved from its original position. I would have made vines to lift him in, but I didn't want to have to cut them down later.

At last I simply gave up and grabbed a few pillows and a blanket from the bed, and simply tucked him in on the floor and sat down, exhausted, next to him, soon dozing off into oblivion as well.
A/N: The queen's here!!! I have a separate story about Ethenn on Webnovel called "broken luna" which plays out about 600 years later than this one!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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