Chapter 2: Meeting a Zook

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You two stood I shock and suddenly you heard laughing. You look over to see three other bird like creatures, but instead they were wearing orange jumpsuits. Two of the bird creatures were laughing behind one, he seems to be holding a sling shot and is looking triumphantly. "Hoorah for are side, butter side down," he boast. Butter side down? You thought what does that mean?Suddenly the bird creature who fired a the shot looked over to you, "Well now," the bird creature said "What do we have here," He suddenly fix his posture push back his hair, and stride over to you.

"Well hello there my dear," he introduce himself  "Allow me to introduce my self, my name is Van itch, how do you do." he grabbed your hand kissing it. You look over to Gabe, whom seem to be jealous as he was looking over to you and  Van Itch. "Nice to meet you I'm (Y/N)." You say introducing yourself. "(Y/N)"  Van Itch  says "A beautiful name for a beautiful creature."  You look over to see Gabe now looking even more mad. "Now may I ask my dove." Said  Van itch "What is a beautiful creature like you doing with an ugly Yook." "I-I'm sorry what do you mean." You stammered "It's just that I'm worried that  Yook might be corrupting your pretty mind.  Why don't you come with me and my friends to our side of the wall, I can assure you that you will be safe with us."

You heard a deep growl as Gabe stomped over to both of you angrily. "Now listen here!" Gabe shouted "(Y/N) dose not want to be with the likes of you! If any one is going on to corrupt her mind it's you! Cmon (Y/N)." He grabbed you hand.  "B-but Gabe"  "It's fine."  Van itch said interrupting you,  "Go with him, he may have won this battle but he hasn't one the war." And with that Gabe and you left.

You two were almost to town when Gabe started to speak , "I have to stop by Chief  Yookeroo to tell him my snickberry switch is broken, but then you can stay at my place, is that all right?"  You nodded, you two make it in to town. It was a small little town, no big buildings like skyscrapers or towers.  You began to notice the Yooks staring at you two whispering to each other. "Why those dirty upside down butters they can't do that to us," one female Yook whispers to another . "And did you see the way that one Zook was flirting with that creature."  The other female Yook says. "What is that thing." One male Yook says,  "I have no idea, you think it's working with the Zooks." said the other Yook next to him. "I have no idea I've never seen anything like it." Says the first male Yook. "Honestly," scoffed a female Yook to a male "to let a Zook come on to you like that, why its just disgraceful."  "I don't know, she's kinda hot," said the male one, leading to the female Zook to hit him on the head. 

You began to feel uncomfortable and Gabe seemed to notice "Ignore them," he said "Once we get to Chief  Yookeroo we can go home." "Are they always like this." You asked. "To Zooks yes, to humans like you no, they never seen your kind before." He replied.  You two made it to the Chief Yookeroo office as you enter you see the Chief , he's is larger, with glasses and what to seem to be a sash around him. "My dear boy," said the Chief  "I heard what happened and but you're not to blame, you simply suffered a minor defeat, cause your snickberry switch is a bit obsolete."

The chief looks over to you behind Gabe. "Why who is this," spoke the Chief "Why Gabe you old dog, you didn't you had a girlfriend." He teases nudging Gabe with his elbow. Gabe began to blush "Oh-h no s-ir, this is (Y/N) the explorer she's just got here, she's a human" explained Gabe. The Cheif stopped teasing and smiled towards you, "Well (Y/N) welcome to Yookville, please stay as long as you like,  Any friend of Gabe is a friend of mine." He said and shook your hand. "Thank you sir," you replied "You have a lovely town and I'll hope to enjoy myself." Gabe started to speak "Well if you don't mind Sir but may I take (Y/N) to my house, it's getting very late and she needs." The Chief smile "Why that's alright once you get her to your house come back to me to discuss new plans." Gabe nodded and grab you hand walking you out the door.

"Why do you like to hold my hand." 
You asked Gabe heading to his house "Uh well," he blushed "It's just that your hands are real soft and cool and well I need to make sure you're with me." You tilt your head at the side wondering why he said that, it was pretty weird. "Oh-h look we're here!" Gabe shouted trying to make this less awkward. The house was more bigger than the other houses than the others, you figure it's because he works with Chief  Yookeroo so he must have a bigger salary. Gabe opens the door for you it was a nicely decorated house, though you notice one thing, in Gabe's living room a sign that said "You are not a Zook, keep your butter up."with a picture of a piece of bread with the butter on top, you we're confused

"Gabe why do you all hate Zooks so much, and what's with all the butter talk?" You asked. "Well it's simple," explained Gabe "Zooks are always picking fights with us, thinking their so much better just because they put their butter upside down.  As for the butter it's a sacred thing to us Yooks and Zooks, when we had a big famine a long time ago all we could rely on is butter, and that why butter is so important to us." You still didn't quiet understand the Zook hate, but you didn't want to upset Gabe so you decide not to push further.

"Gabe I know we just met but can you promise me something."you asked him "Oh sure what is it." he said "Please try not to hurt anyone, it would break my heart for anyone to get hurt." You plead. Gabe look towards you with concern stopping to think of what to say, "I'll try (Y/N), I'll try." said Gabe "The guest room is up stairs first door to the left." he said pointing towards the stairs. "Thank you Gabe," you say as you went towards him and gave him a kiss on the cheek "for everything." Gabe blushed a deep red as he felt like he was in heaven, you really did make him feel something. "You're welcome (Y/N), good night." and with that he left.

Bread to my Butter (Grandpa x Reader x  Van Itch)Where stories live. Discover now