Chapter 4: A New Friend

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The next morning you got ready, ate breakfast with Gabe, and head out to the wall.  He was silent, not a mad silent but just silent. Seeing if he's well thought Gabe my dear your heart is as big as the ocean, I just wish would stay away from people like them, come to me and be in my arms. I can offer you a world of love with me. What do you even see in that Van itch, he has such a smarmy voice and a rude demeanor, however I'm a gentleman who would treat you right Gabe sighed in his head. Oh but I guess it's just a fantasy now for me. "Gabe are you alright?" you asked interrupting his thoughts. "Oh, I'm fine dear just thinking about things,"

Once you two went to the wall you both heard rattling, you too looked over to see Van itch in a uniform with a weapon, it looked kinda like Gabes triple sling jigger, but instead of sling shots it had baskets. "Shoot if you must with your triple sling jigger, but I also have my hand on a trigger, my defensive weapon the jigger rock snatchem will fling right back just as fast as we catch em!"  Van Itch said then went on the wall  "Will take no more nonsense, will take no more gup, from you Yooks who eat bread with the butter side up."

Van itch sat down Finishing his speech looking at you "But I not only brought a weapon I brought a gift for the fair
(Y/N)," Van itch pulled out a bouquet of flowers, much bigger than Gabe's bouquet "This bouquet symbolize my love for you," said  Van Itch "the red tulips symbolizes my declaration of love, the honeysuckles is my devoted affection, the red carnations are for my aching heart that longs for you, the daisies symbolize how I love you truly, and the hyacinths show that your loveliness charms me."  Van itch turns to Gabe smirking "By the way chum you do know that white lillies can mean death, though considering your a Yook I wouldn't expect you to have a average intelligence."Gabe felt small at that moment, not only had he been one up by Van itch with his weapon, but with the flowers given to you. Van itch had put a lot of effort in his gift, and he just bought you ten dollar lilies on sale. "Stymie, thwarted," Gabe leaned on the triple sling jigger, causing the rocks to fall into a mud puddle, and being covered in mud "mission aborted."

Gabe and you walked back to the house after reporting to Chief Yookeroo. Gabe the whole way there seemed ashamed about the whole situation, you put your hand on Gabe's arm shoulder, looking at him with empathy in your eyes. Once you two got home you put the flowers Van Itch got you in a spare vase, when suddenly the phone rang. Gabe picked it up "Yes hello who is it? Gaven, Gaven my boy how you been, uh huh, he is? Well that's wonderful he can come right now, oh but just to let you know I have another guest is that alright, it is great send him over." Gabe hung up the phone, "I have good news (Y/N), my grandson of coming over to stay for the summer!".
"Oh that's wonderful," you say, just then you realize something "Gabe I don't mean to be rude but if you have a grandson, dose that mean you have a wife?" Gabe suddenly looked a little sad "I did," he said "but she passed away a long time ago," Gabe suddenly perked up "But don't worry about that, come let's get the other guest room ready for my grandson."

After you too tidy up the guest room for Gabe's grandson. You heard the doorbell ring, Gabe and you went to open it , the opens to reveal a small Yook who seemed to be Gabe's grandson, he had a curve lineal like nose and mouth, with hair that seemed to curl up. "Grandpa!" he said giving Gabe a big hug, "Georgie my boy how I missed you!" Gabe said picking up Georgie and spinning him around, Georgie laughed and giggle as his grandpa was spinning him. "Grandpa stop I'm getting dizzy." Georgie laughed then Gabe put his grandson down giving him a light pat on the head. Georgie looked over to you and Gabe realized he hadn't introduce you yet, "Georgie this is (Y/N), she will be staying with us for awhile, I want you to treat her with the same amount of respect as you treat me." Georgie looked over to Gabe and nodded "Yes Grandpa." Gabe suddenly headed to the door "Well I have to go back to my job for a while, (Y/N) you don't mind watching Georgie do you," you shook you head "Well then I'm off, bye you two."

You look over to Georgie who looked up to shyly, you felt bad for him just seeing his grandpa only to be left with a strange creature. "Hi Georgie how are you?" you greeted trying to make yourself approachable, "Hello Miss
(Y/N) I'm fine thank you." he mumbled, he started at the floor avoiding, for what appeared to be a five year old he was very well mannered. "Miss, (Y/N)," Georgie said "if I can ask what are you exactly." you smiled at the boy "Well I'm a human." You answered, "Your very pretty," complimented Georgie. You smiled at his sweetness "Well thank you," "What are you doing here Miss?" he asked. "While I'm an explorer, I go around the world exploring the world to learn about new things," Georgie looked at you interested "Have you really been all over the world?" Georgie asked with wonder. You chuckled at his enthusiasm "Well not all over the world," you said "but I have been to allot of places."
"Can you tell me about it?" he asked "Okay Georgie let's go into the living room." you said

"I'm home!" Gabe called out walking into his house,he didn't hear anyone respond so he went to the living room. Before he went in he say the sweetest sight before him, You were on his lazy boy chair with Georgie in your lap, he was covered in a blanket while you were telling him a story. "And that's how Horton, The Whos, and me taught all the Jungle of Nool, that a persons and persons no matter how small," you say finishing your story Georgie yawned "I liked that story Miss (Y/N)" you smiled at him "I'm glad you did." You look up to see Gabe smiling at you. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." he said softly smiling "You didn't we were just finishing up a story," you said, Gabe down at his Grandson "Did you have fun with Miss (Y/n) Georgie." Georgie looked at Gabe "Oh yes Grandpa Miss (Y/N) is lots of fun, did you know that she's been to the jungle." Gabe smiled at his Grandson "No I didn't I'll have to ask her about it later," he said, Gabe looked towards you "Was he good?" you smiled "Yes, in fact he is the most well behaved child I ever seen." You looked to Georgie who was already asleep Snoring. "Well then looks like the boy is already asleep," Gabe said taking Georgie from your lap, wrapping him up in the blanket. "Let's put him to bed,"

Once you finished putting Georgie to bed, you two stepped out of the room turning off the lights. "He certainly will be having a good night sleep," said Gabe
"(Y/n) thank you for watching Georgie, ever since he moved to the other side of Yookia it's been a hard time for him making friends, but now that he's back for the summer he can see his old ones." you smiled at Gabe, you were happy making Georgie feel welcomed. "Your welcome Gabe." Then suddenly Gabe grabbed you by the shoulders "(Y/N) I know this is sudden, but please stay with me at least for the summer," Gabe begged you "I know this is sudden but ever since you came into my life I feel that it's been better, you make me feel loved and cherish, and now that Georgie is here and he obviously likes you I feel like you really need to stay, so what do you say?" You looked a Gabe unsurely, it's not like you didn't like him, but your an explorer and didn't like to stay in one place. But you have to admit, ever since you came here thing have certainly more interesting. You spoke up "Ok Gabe I will stay,"

Bread to my Butter (Grandpa x Reader x  Van Itch)Where stories live. Discover now